- Wolfratshausen
MyFindWin Public
find/list all or specific files, grep and grep -I (case insensitive)
C++ UpdatedMay 18, 2022 -
PowershellScripts Public
powershell backup from contextmenu with robocopy
PoorMansIDS Public
Windows Intrusion Detection System: detect changes in Registry Keys, Services, Scheduled Tasks
WartungsLOG Public
WartungsLOG sample Xamarin APP which connects to Azure B2C and a WebAPI on Azure AppServices
my_find_grep Public
parallel or concurrent find grep with O_DIRECT mode for grep
WartungsLOG_WL_WebAPI Public
Web API for WartungsLOG Xamarin APP with access to CosmosDB
C# UpdatedDec 8, 2021 -
kdd99 via mqtt to rabbitMQ to ClickHouse to Grafana Dashboard :)
C++ UpdatedJul 10, 2021 -
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NVIDIA DLI workshop GTC 2021: Applications of AI for Anomaly Detection
parallelprogrammingbook_code Public
improved convert_images code for JGU-HPC/parallelprogrammingbook chapter7/eigenfaces/data
linux-insides Public
Forked from 0xAX/linux-insidesA little bit about a linux kernel
Python UpdatedAug 21, 2019 -
parallelprogrammingbook Public
Forked from JGU-HPC/parallelprogrammingbooksupplementary material/programming exercises
C++ UpdatedAug 20, 2019 -
maxas-explained Public
maxas Scott Grey's maxas assembler sgemm explaining the (for me) missing parts https://github.com/NervanaSystems/maxas