- I'm not an expert on git
- I've used SVN, BZR and GIT (and CVS once).
- Used SVN for all my personal files since 2005
- Been using GIT since 2011 for everything
- I prefer rebase to merge due to cleaner history and more control over the outcome of conflicts.
- I prefer rebase since it puts the onus on the developer to make sure the main branch is in a good state.
code .
git init
git add README.md
git add index.js
git add .tool-versions
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin [email protected]:StefanWallin/grebase.git
git push -u origin main
open https://github.com/StefanWallin/grebase
git checkout -b emoji
Edit 1: (emoji)
console.log("Violets are 🔴,")
console.log("Roses are 🔵,")
git add -p
git commit -m "Use emojis for colors"
git push -u origin emoji
- Make PR
- Do not merge PR
git checkout main
Edit 2: (main)
console.log("Roses are red,")
console.log("Violets are blue,")
git add -p
git commit -m "Correct the poem"
git push
- open PR again - see conflict
git pull
git checkout emoji
git rebase -i main
talk about the file
talk about EDITOR
git status
git status -sb
- Source tree
- Edit 3: (emoji)
- Resolve conflict
- Save file
git add index.js
git rebase --continue
git push
- Try sync button in VS Code
- Try push button in Source Tree
- 🤦♂️ 😱
git push --force-with-lease
vsgit push --force
git checkout -b emoji2
git push -u origin emoji2
git checkout emoji
git push --force-with-lease
- Kolla PR igen
Edit 4: (hooja) git checkout HEAD^ git commit -m
console.log("Lingon är röda,")
console.log("Älgen är blå,")
console.log("Du gillar brännvin,")
console.log("Fyfan då är vi två")