- China
- www.stephenblog.cn
Thick polyline using Procedural Mesh in Unreal Engine with C++
ruoyi-vue-pro 全新 Cloud 版本,优化重构所有功能。基于 Spring Cloud Alibaba + MyBatis Plus + Vue & Element 实现的后台管理系统 + 用户小程序,支持 RBAC 动态权限、多租户、数据权限、工作流、三方登录、支付、短信、商城、CRM、ERP、AI 大模型等功能。你的 ⭐️ Star ⭐️,是作者生发的动力!
OpenAI ChatGPT, GPT-3, GPT-4, DALL·E, Whisper API wrapper for Go
2024最新微服务实战教程,Spring Cloud组件、微服务项目实战、Kubernetes容器化部署全方位解析。技术栈:Spring Cloud Alibaba + Spring Boot 3.2 + JDK 17。
getnamo / BLUI-Unreal
Forked from ashea-code/BLUICEF based HTML UI for the Unreal Engine.
stcgal patched to support STC8G, STC8H, STC8A8K64D4 and STC32G.
Open-source cron job and background task monitoring service, written in Python & Django
The headless rich text editor framework for web artisans.
The world's #1 JavaScript library for rich text editing. Available for React, Vue and Angular
A text editor using Vue.js and Quill
A no-code tool to build http API from sql. Only need to write sql , then http API generated automatically. Especially suitable for developing backend service for report.
Dear ImGui: Bloat-free Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies
Ruisi BI open source version, based on Springboot construction, rapid data analysis and visualisation, 0 code writing.
A macOS menu bar app that enables system-wide navigation functionality for the side buttons on third-party mice.
A simple audio recorder for VueJS applications
An open-source, web-based viewer for zoomable images, implemented in pure JavaScript.
A zooming and panning plugin inspired by google photos for your web images.
AutoRaise (and focus) a window when hovering over it with the mouse
An example of a minimal project for an STM32 micro-controller.
Contents for my videos on embedded programming on Linux with STM32
「数据可视化工具:报表、大屏、仪表盘」积木报表是一款类Excel操作风格,在线拖拽设计的报表工具和和数据可视化产品。功能涵盖: 报表设计、大屏设计、打印设计、图形报表、仪表盘门户设计等,完全免费!秉承“简单、易用、专业”的产品理念,极大的降低报表开发难度、缩短开发周期、解决各类报表难题。