Run rails back end
git clone https://github.com/StephenArg/random-webrtc-chat_api.git bundle install rails db:create rails db:migrate rails s
*** Unfortunatly this project needs environmental values with Twilio account details. To prevent the app from breaking, add a file called app_environment_variables.rb into the config folder with the attributes: ENV['account_sid'] = '' ENV['auth_token'] = ''
Run react front end
git clone https://github.com/StephenArg/random-webrtc-chat_client.git yarn install
After installing packages, create a file called
in the main directory and add this line to it. REACT_APP_API_URL=http://localhost:3000/ REACT_APP_WS_API_URL=ws://localhost:3000/ After this, runyarn start
A chat application that pairs its users randomly and allows for websocket-enabled text chat and video conferencing between the participants.
- React
- Rails
- ActionCable
- OpenTok Video Chat embeds
- PostgreSQL
- Create user profiles and more customizability (Full CRUD).
- Add Redux for better state management.
- Present column alongside chat box to display previous matches with the ability to rate them, attempt to reconnect to them, block them, review past text conversations, and more.
- Create a rating system the determines which individuals a user will match with.
- Add a nudity sensing api to auto-ban policy breaking users.
- Improve design, rework name, and add routes.