The application provides a convenient and centralized resource that brings together all shelters and volunteers, simplifying the processes of finding and adopting animals.
Clone the repository::
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd petseeker-web-app
Install the dependencies:
npm install
To run the project in development mode, execute:
npm run dev
Google Chrome — version 49+
Mozilla Firefox — version 52+
Safari — version 9+
Microsoft Edge — version 12+
Opera — version 36+
Internet Explorer — version 11
Device sizes:
- Minimum device size 320x640 px
Internet connection:
- Download speed - 1 Mbps, upload speed - 0.5 Mbps
React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces. TypeScript: A typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. Redux: A predictable state container for JavaScript apps. RTK Query: A data fetching and caching tool for Redux. Sass: A CSS preprocessor that adds power and elegance to the basic language. Jest: A delightful JavaScript testing framework with a focus on simplicity. React Hook Form: A performant, flexible, and extensible forms library for React. Vite: A next-generation frontend tooling for faster and leaner development. i18next: An internationalization framework for JavaScript. ts-pattern: A complete pattern matching library for TypeScript.
This project uses Feature-Sliced Design as its architectural methodology.