Cross-platform language learning application
Onboarding: An introduction to the app for new users
Learning system: Various exercises for learning words.
Audio analysis: The ability to make a list of words to study based on any recording provided by the user.
Authorization: Authorization via Google and vk/mail
Personal account: A user-friendly interface for obtaining statistics on the studied words.
Gamification: A variety of achievements for the user's progress.
Subscription system: Secure payment for orders via built-in payment systems.
Flutter, MVC, Firebase
Retrofit, Freezed
firebase_core, firebase_auth, flutter_login_vk
path_provider, shared_preferences , path
drift, sqlite3, sqlite3_flutter_libs database
flutter_sound speech_to_text
flutter_inset_shadow, animations, gradient_borders, flutter_svg
flutter_localizations, intl,
build_runner, build_runner_core, json_annotation, json_serializable, jwt_decoder
- Get the following files from the authors of the project:
- google-services.json
- GoogleService-Info.plist
- env.dart
- strings.xml
- secrets.dart (file, containing tokenForSendingCode)
And place it in the following directories: env.dart in lib/
google-services.json in android/app/
strings.xml in android/app/src/main/res/values/
GoogleService-Info.plist in ios/Runner/
secrets.dart in lib/
- In the source folder of the project, enter the command
flutter pub get
- Regenerate files related to code generation
flutter pub run build_runner build
- To launch the application, use an emulator or an iOS/Android device with developer mode enabled and allowed postponement.To run on the device, you should use the command by selecting the device.
flutter run
Android >= 5.0, iOS >= 13.0. Support for tablets and horizontal position is not provided. Since we use adaptive layout, regardless of what resolution is on the phone, it will open and view correctly. In our case, the display will be checked on devices such as iPhone models XR and 11, Realme Narzo 30, Honor 20 Pro, POCO M6 Pro, Realme c31, as well as F+ R5070E with Aurora OS