Clojure library for tracing (possibly async) applications with Datadog.
Available on Clojars.
[jp.studist/sleepydog "0.2.0"]
The public API is in the
A drop-in replacement for Clojure's defn
that instruments the function in question as a new Datadog span.
A ring middleware that automatically instruments server requests.
A macro that instruments the given body as a span labelled as operation "op-name".
Sets the resource (subject) of the current span's operation.
(with-tracing "s3-upload"
(set-resource! "foo/bar/baz.jpg")
,,, ; prepare upload
(.putObject client put-request))
Utility function that builds Datadog headers for distributed tracing. By adding these headers to any outgoing (upstream) request, it's possible to connect traces across services.
;; (:require [ :as datadog])
(merge (datadog/http-headers) headers)
Used to manually report caught exceptions (without relying on the automatic reporting from with-tracing
or defn-traced
). This can be useful for example in a Ring handler that catches all escaped exceptions and responds with a well-formed 500 error.
If you want to mark an entire request as "errored", then combine this with root-of
to mark the root span as error.
(defn wrap-exception
(fn exception-catcher
(handler request)
(catch Throwable ex
(let [span (datadog/active-span!)]
(datadog/report-error! span ex)
(when-let [root (datadog/root-of span)]
(datadog/report-error! root ex)))
{:status 500 :body (.getMessage ex)}))))
You can enable tracing for the Carmine Redis library by using!
. The traces will be reported mimicking the way how Datadog auto-instruments Jedis or the Ruby redis gem.