My reticulum scripts, configs, and other things.
# Start all nodes (creates directories and copies configs/files)
make start
# Stop all nodes
make stop
# Remove everything (stops containers and removes volumes)
make remove
# Copy configs to a specific node
make copy-config NODE=3
# Copy pages to a specific node
make copy-pages NODE=3
# Copy files to a specific node
make copy-files NODE=3
# Copy to all nodes (omit NODE parameter)
make copy-config
make copy-pages
make copy-files
# Create backup of specific node
make backup NODE=3
# Create backup of all nodes
make backup
# Pull the image
podman pull
# Run interactively with text UI
podman run -it --textui
# Run as daemon with host configs and network
podman run -d \
-v /local/path/nomadnetconfigdir/:/root/.nomadnetwork/ \
-v /local/path/reticulumconfigdir/:/root/.reticulum/ \
--network host \
# Run isolated from host network
podman run -d \
-v /local/path/nomadnetconfigdir/:/root/.nomadnetwork/ \
-v /local/path/reticulumconfigdir/:/root/.reticulum/ \
# Run with console logging
podman run -i --daemon --console
Kata-containers are hardware virtualized containers but lighter than full VMs.
podman --runtime /usr/bin/kata-runtime run -d --name nomadnet --network host