Sources for R&D Toolchain website.
Install Jekyll
Website can be built with one of two configurations:
- public
- internal
Run build-scripts/
Internal build configuration enables internal content that is mounted from other Git repository.
- Clone Git repository
into root folder. Ask for correct link from Sudu team leads. - Run
to mount internal content. - Run
Build output will be in _site folder
Public: build-scripts/
Internal: build-scripts/
Open browser:
List of RnD toolchain projects is stored in _projects folder.
Project properties are stored in Jekyll Front Matter at the top of every project page.
title: Project title
description: Project description
permalink: /projects/project.html
and can be used inside the page:
{{ page.title }}
Mandatory project properties:
- title
- descripton
To insert content that should be rendered only in internal
build mode use the following syntax:
{% if jekyll.environment == "internal" %}
Internal content goes here
{% endif %}
Parts of page can be extracted into shared files stored in _includes folder.
- Put
file in _includes folder - Insert content into page:
{% include <name>.md %}
See Jekyll documentation.
- Put image into assets/images folder
- Reference image:
- in Markdown file:

- in HTML file:
<img src=>
- in Markdown file: