- Complete Exploratory Data Analysis.
- Utilize Machine Learning to cluster.
- Deploy a dashboard to report findings. (The dashboards are offline. I have conserved costs for other vital applications!)
- Deploy an application for detecting hackers.
- Hacker Detection Application
- Please be patient in loading the application.
- Hacker Detection Application
- Playerunknown's Battleground (PUBG) is a video game, which set the standard for preceding games in the Battle Royale genre. The main goal is to SURVIVE at all costs.
├── assets/ # Directory containing asset files
├── data/ # Directory containing data files
├── Animation.gif # GIF demonstrating the project's functionality
├── PUBG_Clustering-AnomalyDetection.ipynb # Jupyter Notebook for anomaly detection analysis
├── PUBG_Clustering-DBSCAN.ipynb # Jupyter Notebook for DBSCAN clustering analysis
├── PUBG_Clustering-K-means.ipynb # Jupyter Notebook for K-means clustering analysis
├── PUBG_Clustering-PCA-AnomalyDetection(All Features).ipynb # PCA and anomaly detection on all features
├── PUBG_Clustering-PCA-AnomalyDetection(Selected Features).ipynb # PCA and anomaly detection on selected features
├── PUBG_Clustering-PCA-DBSCAN(All Features).ipynb # PCA and DBSCAN clustering on all features
├── PUBG_Clustering-PCA-DBSCAN(Selected Features).ipynb # PCA and DBSCAN clustering on selected features
├── PUBG_Clustering-PCA-K-means(All Features).ipynb # PCA and K-means clustering on all features
├── PUBG_Clustering-PCA-K-means(Selected Features).ipynb # PCA and K-means clustering on selected features
├── PUBG_EDA-Dashboard.ipynb # Jupyter Notebook for exploratory data analysis dashboard
├── PUBG_Project Summary_Dashboard.ipynb # Jupyter Notebook summarizing the project with a dashboard
└── README.md # Overview of the repository
- Exploratory Data Analysis conducted utilizing various python packages (Numpy, Matplotlib, Pandas, and Plotly).
- Clustering Algorithms (Sci-Kit Learn)
Part I: Exploratory Data Analysis
Part II: Clustering
Utilize various clustering algorithms for detecting cheaters or hackers.
Utilize PCA + previous clustering algorithms (All features).
Utilize PCA + previous clustering algorithms (Selected features).
Pertinent Deliverables
- References
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