Online Restaurant Booking
Nowadays, restaurant dont have the assurance whether a customer who booked
a table will actually come at the booking time or not.
With this app, restaurant could see the reputation of the user who's trying
to book a table, and will also get a compensation if the customer failed to
come at the booking time.
Entity Relationship Model
Use Case
Project Boards
- About The Project
- High Level Architecture
- Technology Stack
- Folder Structure
- Unit Test
- How To Contribute
- Contacts
- Gorm (ORM library)
- Xendit (Payment gateway)
- Imgur (Image uploader)
- UniDoc (PDF creator)
- Xuri (Excel creator)
- Ftp (Export file)
- Google Calendar (Event creator)
- Testify (Unit Test)
├── configs
│ └──config.go # Configs files
├── delivery # Endpoints handlers or controllers
│ ├──common
│ │ ├── global.go # Constant variable
│ │ └── http_responses.go # Default http code, status, message
│ ├──controllers
│ │ └── users
│ │ ├── formatter_req.go # Default request format for spesific controllers
│ │ ├── formatter_res.go # Default response format for spesific controllers
│ │ ├── users_test.go # Unit tests for spesific controllers
│ │ └── users.go # Spesific controller
│ ├──helpers
│ │ └── helper.go # Helper Function
│ └──routes
│ └── routes.go # Endpoints list
├── entities
│ └── users.go # database model
├── repository
│ ├── interface.go # Repository Interface for controllers
│ ├── users_test.go # Unit test for spesific repository
│ └── users.go # Spesific Repository
├── utils
│ └── driver.go # Database driver
├── .env # Individual working environment variables
├── .gitignore # Which files to ignore when committing
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── main.go # Main Program
- Andrew Prasetyo (Person In Charge and maintainer)
- Herlianto (Developer and maintainer)
- Ilham Junius (Developer and maintainer)