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jermainewang committed Oct 18, 2018
2 parents b963191 + ec4216d commit 6cbdf37
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13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions examples/pytorch/jtnn/
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Junction Tree VAE - example for training

This is a direct modification from

You need to have RDKit installed.

To run the model, use
The script will automatically download the data, which is the same as the one in the
original repository.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions examples/pytorch/jtnn/jtnn/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
from .mol_tree import Vocab
from .jtnn_vae import DGLJTNNVAE
from .mpn import DGLMPN, mol2dgl
from .nnutils import create_var
from .datautils import JTNNDataset
from .chemutils import decode_stereo
from .line_profiler_integration import profile
334 changes: 334 additions & 0 deletions examples/pytorch/jtnn/jtnn/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
import rdkit
import rdkit.Chem as Chem
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from scipy.sparse.csgraph import minimum_spanning_tree
from collections import defaultdict
from rdkit.Chem.EnumerateStereoisomers import EnumerateStereoisomers, StereoEnumerationOptions

MAX_NCAND = 2000

def set_atommap(mol, num=0):
for atom in mol.GetAtoms():

def get_mol(smiles):
mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles)
if mol is None:
return None
return mol

def get_smiles(mol):
return Chem.MolToSmiles(mol, kekuleSmiles=True)

def decode_stereo(smiles2D):
mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles2D)
dec_isomers = list(EnumerateStereoisomers(mol))

dec_isomers = [Chem.MolFromSmiles(Chem.MolToSmiles(mol, isomericSmiles=True)) for mol in dec_isomers]
smiles3D = [Chem.MolToSmiles(mol, isomericSmiles=True) for mol in dec_isomers]

chiralN = [atom.GetIdx() for atom in dec_isomers[0].GetAtoms() if int(atom.GetChiralTag()) > 0 and atom.GetSymbol() == "N"]
if len(chiralN) > 0:
for mol in dec_isomers:
for idx in chiralN:
smiles3D.append(Chem.MolToSmiles(mol, isomericSmiles=True))

return smiles3D

def sanitize(mol):
smiles = get_smiles(mol)
mol = get_mol(smiles)
except Exception as e:
return None
return mol

def copy_atom(atom):
new_atom = Chem.Atom(atom.GetSymbol())
return new_atom

def copy_edit_mol(mol):
new_mol = Chem.RWMol(Chem.MolFromSmiles(''))
for atom in mol.GetAtoms():
new_atom = copy_atom(atom)
for bond in mol.GetBonds():
a1 = bond.GetBeginAtom().GetIdx()
a2 = bond.GetEndAtom().GetIdx()
bt = bond.GetBondType()
new_mol.AddBond(a1, a2, bt)
return new_mol

def get_clique_mol(mol, atoms):
smiles = Chem.MolFragmentToSmiles(mol, atoms, kekuleSmiles=True)
new_mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles, sanitize=False)
new_mol = copy_edit_mol(new_mol).GetMol()
new_mol = sanitize(new_mol) #We assume this is not None
return new_mol

def tree_decomp(mol):
n_atoms = mol.GetNumAtoms()
if n_atoms == 1:
return [[0]], []

cliques = []
for bond in mol.GetBonds():
a1 = bond.GetBeginAtom().GetIdx()
a2 = bond.GetEndAtom().GetIdx()
if not bond.IsInRing():

ssr = [list(x) for x in Chem.GetSymmSSSR(mol)]

nei_list = [[] for i in range(n_atoms)]
for i in range(len(cliques)):
for atom in cliques[i]:

#Merge Rings with intersection > 2 atoms
for i in range(len(cliques)):
if len(cliques[i]) <= 2: continue
for atom in cliques[i]:
for j in nei_list[atom]:
if i >= j or len(cliques[j]) <= 2: continue
inter = set(cliques[i]) & set(cliques[j])
if len(inter) > 2:
cliques[i] = list(set(cliques[i]))
cliques[j] = []

cliques = [c for c in cliques if len(c) > 0]
nei_list = [[] for i in range(n_atoms)]
for i in range(len(cliques)):
for atom in cliques[i]:

#Build edges and add singleton cliques
edges = defaultdict(int)
for atom in range(n_atoms):
if len(nei_list[atom]) <= 1:
cnei = nei_list[atom]
bonds = [c for c in cnei if len(cliques[c]) == 2]
rings = [c for c in cnei if len(cliques[c]) > 4]
if len(bonds) > 2 or (len(bonds) == 2 and len(cnei) > 2): #In general, if len(cnei) >= 3, a singleton should be added, but 1 bond + 2 ring is currently not dealt with.
c2 = len(cliques) - 1
for c1 in cnei:
edges[(c1,c2)] = 1
elif len(rings) > 2: #Multiple (n>2) complex rings
c2 = len(cliques) - 1
for c1 in cnei:
edges[(c1,c2)] = MST_MAX_WEIGHT - 1
for i in range(len(cnei)):
for j in range(i + 1, len(cnei)):
c1,c2 = cnei[i],cnei[j]
inter = set(cliques[c1]) & set(cliques[c2])
if edges[(c1,c2)] < len(inter):
edges[(c1,c2)] = len(inter) #cnei[i] < cnei[j] by construction

edges = [u + (MST_MAX_WEIGHT-v,) for u,v in edges.items()]
if len(edges) == 0:
return cliques, edges

#Compute Maximum Spanning Tree
row,col,data = list(zip(*edges))
n_clique = len(cliques)
clique_graph = csr_matrix( (data,(row,col)), shape=(n_clique,n_clique) )
junc_tree = minimum_spanning_tree(clique_graph)
row,col = junc_tree.nonzero()
edges = [(row[i],col[i]) for i in range(len(row))]
return (cliques, edges)

def atom_equal(a1, a2):
return a1.GetSymbol() == a2.GetSymbol() and a1.GetFormalCharge() == a2.GetFormalCharge()

#Bond type not considered because all aromatic (so SINGLE matches DOUBLE)
def ring_bond_equal(b1, b2, reverse=False):
b1 = (b1.GetBeginAtom(), b1.GetEndAtom())
if reverse:
b2 = (b2.GetEndAtom(), b2.GetBeginAtom())
b2 = (b2.GetBeginAtom(), b2.GetEndAtom())
return atom_equal(b1[0], b2[0]) and atom_equal(b1[1], b2[1])

def attach_mols_nx(ctr_mol, neighbors, prev_nodes, nei_amap):
prev_nids = [node['nid'] for node in prev_nodes]
for nei_node in prev_nodes + neighbors:
nei_id, nei_mol = nei_node['nid'], nei_node['mol']
amap = nei_amap[nei_id]
for atom in nei_mol.GetAtoms():
if atom.GetIdx() not in amap:
new_atom = copy_atom(atom)
amap[atom.GetIdx()] = ctr_mol.AddAtom(new_atom)

if nei_mol.GetNumBonds() == 0:
nei_atom = nei_mol.GetAtomWithIdx(0)
ctr_atom = ctr_mol.GetAtomWithIdx(amap[0])
for bond in nei_mol.GetBonds():
a1 = amap[bond.GetBeginAtom().GetIdx()]
a2 = amap[bond.GetEndAtom().GetIdx()]
if ctr_mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms(a1, a2) is None:
ctr_mol.AddBond(a1, a2, bond.GetBondType())
elif nei_id in prev_nids: #father node overrides
ctr_mol.RemoveBond(a1, a2)
ctr_mol.AddBond(a1, a2, bond.GetBondType())
return ctr_mol

def local_attach_nx(ctr_mol, neighbors, prev_nodes, amap_list):
ctr_mol = copy_edit_mol(ctr_mol)
nei_amap = {nei['nid']: {} for nei in prev_nodes + neighbors}

for nei_id,ctr_atom,nei_atom in amap_list:
nei_amap[nei_id][nei_atom] = ctr_atom

ctr_mol = attach_mols_nx(ctr_mol, neighbors, prev_nodes, nei_amap)
return ctr_mol.GetMol()

#This version records idx mapping between ctr_mol and nei_mol
def enum_attach_nx(ctr_mol, nei_node, amap, singletons):
nei_mol,nei_idx = nei_node['mol'], nei_node['nid']
att_confs = []
black_list = [atom_idx for nei_id,atom_idx,_ in amap if nei_id in singletons]
ctr_atoms = [atom for atom in ctr_mol.GetAtoms() if atom.GetIdx() not in black_list]
ctr_bonds = [bond for bond in ctr_mol.GetBonds()]

if nei_mol.GetNumBonds() == 0: #neighbor singleton
nei_atom = nei_mol.GetAtomWithIdx(0)
used_list = [atom_idx for _,atom_idx,_ in amap]
for atom in ctr_atoms:
if atom_equal(atom, nei_atom) and atom.GetIdx() not in used_list:
new_amap = amap + [(nei_idx, atom.GetIdx(), 0)]
att_confs.append( new_amap )

elif nei_mol.GetNumBonds() == 1: #neighbor is a bond
bond = nei_mol.GetBondWithIdx(0)
bond_val = int(bond.GetBondTypeAsDouble())
b1,b2 = bond.GetBeginAtom(), bond.GetEndAtom()

for atom in ctr_atoms:
#Optimize if atom is carbon (other atoms may change valence)
if atom.GetAtomicNum() == 6 and atom.GetTotalNumHs() < bond_val:
if atom_equal(atom, b1):
new_amap = amap + [(nei_idx, atom.GetIdx(), b1.GetIdx())]
att_confs.append( new_amap )
elif atom_equal(atom, b2):
new_amap = amap + [(nei_idx, atom.GetIdx(), b2.GetIdx())]
att_confs.append( new_amap )
#intersection is an atom
for a1 in ctr_atoms:
for a2 in nei_mol.GetAtoms():
if atom_equal(a1, a2):
#Optimize if atom is carbon (other atoms may change valence)
if a1.GetAtomicNum() == 6 and a1.GetTotalNumHs() + a2.GetTotalNumHs() < 4:
new_amap = amap + [(nei_idx, a1.GetIdx(), a2.GetIdx())]
att_confs.append( new_amap )

#intersection is an bond
if ctr_mol.GetNumBonds() > 1:
for b1 in ctr_bonds:
for b2 in nei_mol.GetBonds():
if ring_bond_equal(b1, b2):
new_amap = amap + [(nei_idx, b1.GetBeginAtom().GetIdx(), b2.GetBeginAtom().GetIdx()), (nei_idx, b1.GetEndAtom().GetIdx(), b2.GetEndAtom().GetIdx())]
att_confs.append( new_amap )

if ring_bond_equal(b1, b2, reverse=True):
new_amap = amap + [(nei_idx, b1.GetBeginAtom().GetIdx(), b2.GetEndAtom().GetIdx()), (nei_idx, b1.GetEndAtom().GetIdx(), b2.GetBeginAtom().GetIdx())]
att_confs.append( new_amap )
return att_confs

#Try rings first: Speed-Up
def enum_assemble_nx(graph, node_idx, neighbors, prev_nodes=[], prev_amap=[]):
node = graph.nodes[node_idx]
all_attach_confs = []
singletons = [nei_node['nid'] for nei_node in neighbors + prev_nodes if nei_node['mol'].GetNumAtoms() == 1]

def search(cur_amap, depth):
if len(all_attach_confs) > MAX_NCAND:
if depth == len(neighbors):

nei_node = neighbors[depth]
cand_amap = enum_attach_nx(node['mol'], nei_node, cur_amap, singletons)
cand_smiles = set()
candidates = []
for amap in cand_amap:
cand_mol = local_attach_nx(node['mol'], neighbors[:depth+1], prev_nodes, amap)
cand_mol = sanitize(cand_mol)
if cand_mol is None:
smiles = get_smiles(cand_mol)
if smiles in cand_smiles:

if len(candidates) == 0:
return []

for new_amap in candidates:
search(new_amap, depth + 1)

search(prev_amap, 0)
cand_smiles = set()
candidates = []
for amap in all_attach_confs:
cand_mol = local_attach_nx(node['mol'], neighbors, prev_nodes, amap)
cand_mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(Chem.MolToSmiles(cand_mol))
smiles = Chem.MolToSmiles(cand_mol)
if smiles in cand_smiles:
candidates.append( (smiles,cand_mol,amap) )

return candidates

#Only used for debugging purpose
def dfs_assemble_nx(graph, cur_mol, global_amap, fa_amap, cur_node_id, fa_node_id):
cur_node = graph.nodes[cur_node_id]
fa_node = graph.nodes[fa_node_id] if fa_node_id is not None else None

fa_nid = fa_node['nid'] if fa_node is not None else -1
prev_nodes = [fa_node] if fa_node is not None else []

children_id = [nei for nei in graph[cur_node_id] if graph.nodes[nei]['nid'] != fa_nid]
children = [graph.nodes[nei] for nei in children_id]
neighbors = [nei for nei in children if nei['mol'].GetNumAtoms() > 1]
neighbors = sorted(neighbors, key=lambda x:x['mol'].GetNumAtoms(), reverse=True)
singletons = [nei for nei in children if nei['mol'].GetNumAtoms() == 1]
neighbors = singletons + neighbors

cur_amap = [(fa_nid,a2,a1) for nid,a1,a2 in fa_amap if nid == cur_node['nid']]
cands = enum_assemble_nx(graph, cur_node_id, neighbors, prev_nodes, cur_amap)
if len(cands) == 0:

cand_smiles, _, cand_amap = zip(*cands)
label_idx = cand_smiles.index(cur_node['label'])
label_amap = cand_amap[label_idx]

for nei_id,ctr_atom,nei_atom in label_amap:
if nei_id == fa_nid:
global_amap[nei_id][nei_atom] = global_amap[cur_node['nid']][ctr_atom]

cur_mol = attach_mols_nx(cur_mol, children, [], global_amap) #father is already attached
for nei_node_id, nei_node in zip(children_id, children):
if not nei_node['is_leaf']:
dfs_assemble_nx(graph, cur_mol, global_amap, label_amap, nei_node_id, cur_node_id)
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions examples/pytorch/jtnn/jtnn/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
from import Dataset
import numpy as np

import dgl
from import download, extract_archive, get_download_dir

_url = ''

class JTNNDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, data, vocab):
self.dir = get_download_dir()
download(_url, path=self.zip_file_path)
extract_archive(self.zip_file_path, '{}/jtnn'.format(self.dir))
print('Loading data...')
data_file = '{}/jtnn/{}.txt'.format(self.dir, data)
with open(data_file) as f: = [line.strip("\r\n ").split()[0] for line in f]
self.vocab_file = '{}/jtnn/{}.txt'.format(self.dir, vocab)
print('Loading finished.')
print('\tNum samples:', len(
print('\tVocab file:', self.vocab_file)

def __len__(self):
return len(

def __getitem__(self, idx):
from .mol_tree_nx import DGLMolTree
smiles =[idx]
mol_tree = DGLMolTree(smiles)
return mol_tree

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