- Auto login with face-recogonation
- Heart Rate Monitoring
- Object and Sign Detection with friendly UI
- Car Status Monitoring
GUI uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- [ReactJS] - For the inner Front-End Design and State Mangement
- [Electron] - Running react smoothly as desktop app
- [nodeJS] - evented I/O for the backend
- [Express] - fast node.js network app framework.
GUI requires Node.js v12+ to run. for installing NodeJs just run in the root dir it will take care of everything
sh GUISetup.sh
Install the dependencies and devDependencies for the front-end and back-end
npm i
cd backend
npm i
cd ..
development mode
npm start
npm run electron
cd backend
cd ..
For production environments... install PM2 to serve the build files to port 3000
npm i -g pm2
server node scripts for front-end and back-end to port 3000 and 5000 respectively
pm2 start serverFrontEnd.js --name frontEnd
cd backend
pm2 start index.js --name backEnd
now pm2 is running the frontend files on port 3000 and backend on port 5000 save pm2 process in case of system reboting to avoid redoing the process
pm2 save
after rebooting we can resurrect the process or just have bashscript do the trick if you want the app to start running after rebooting
pm2 resurrect
now for electron to run got root dir and
npm run electron
Future development use electron builder to pack the app and export it for the desired env