Python developer with experience of Deplhi developing and system administration.
I have profile education. And whole my life was near tech-theme. Even when my work was not straight related to IT, I used to automate my routine tasks.
Now I have started my Python-way and want to find a job and a great team to absorb information from professionals and work on interesting projects.
My previous expirience as Delphi dev gave me a solid base.
My vector have been directing to Python way in 2022 year. I used to write on Python before, but my knowledges were spaced.
I have started from attentionaly reading Lutz's Book 'Learning Python' and Luciano Ramalho's 'Fluent Python'.
In process I learned Django, Django REST, HTML, CSS, SQL, JS, Docker.
Maybe my knowledges of any of that are not perfect but I learn permanently and have passion.
In fact I already knew some of it and used before. And maybe I could list more.Format too narrow to write all what i used or tried.
For example I used to program AVR-controllers on C and Arduino as hobby. But barely it interesting for employer.
- Google sheets service - Google Sheets parser service. Grabs data from sheet to DB, calculate order cost from USD to Ruble. Notificate in telegram. Represent actual sheet data on web page. For dinamicaly web content updates implemented API. Celery(+beat), Redis, Aiogram.
- Music Catalog API - Django REST project with Swagger.
- Beck Test Bot - simple telegram bot with psyco Beck's test for depression.
- Mail Sender Django - service to send email distribution using templates and subscribers list. Using celery + redis.
- Parser - application parsing and collect data to CSV. Freelance task.
- Tree Menu Django - Tree Menu Django app using pure Python/Django.
- Telegram Bot - app with sintetic functional wrote for HR by their scheme. It does nothing useful, but there implemented work with DB without ORM, and mock tests. :)