My first React practice!
- React components
- Props
- State
- Lifecycle of components (including mounting, updating, and unmounting)
- How to handle events
- How to make simple forms
- Import css file
- Sass
- JSX is different from HTML although they look similar. JSX is JavaScript XML.
- JSX is not the only way to write and add HTML in React. You may also use
. ( - Put expressions inside curly braces
. For CSS, use two pairs of curly braces since CSS in React is key-value pairs. e.g.:
<h1 style={{color: "red"}}>haha</h1>
- Components should be like this (Note that component name MUST start with an upper case letter):
class ComponentName extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
super(props); // You MUST do this before doing anything else!
this.state = {
// Set state values
// Place event handlers here. They should be arrow functions (
someEvent = (e) => {
// e is the event. You can use and
// You can use this.setState(stateName: newValue);
// You may add the following functions (
// Mounting:
// getDerivedStateFromProps() - Called before EVERY render()
// componentDidMount() - Called after render()
// Updating:
// shouldComponentUpdate() - return false to prevent component update
// getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(prevProps, prevState) - Allows you to access props and state before the update
// componentDidUpdate() - Called after render()
// Unmounting:
// componentWillUnmount() - Called when the component is about to be removed. (I havn't tried this)
// You MUST implement render and return a value!
render() {
return something;
- To change the HTML page, check out the public folder.
- To create a react app:
npx create-react-app myfirstreact
( - To run the app:
npm start
- Sometimes
npm start
would fail and give you a bunch ofbullshiterrors. During my experiment, all errors like this can be resolved by taking the following steps (From
npm cache clean --force
rm -rf node_modules package-lock.json
npm install
- To import CSS / Sass: Simply
import styles from './path-to-the-file'
. Note that: No file extension needed; add.module
to use CSS modules ( e.g.:
import styles from './mystyle.module.scss'
<div className={styles.yourclassname}>lala</div>,
- You can only render one element at a time. So
return <h1>lala</h1><h2>lulu</h2>
is not accepted. - Event names in JSX are written in camelCase syntax ( e.g.:
return <textarea onChange={this.updateTitle} value={this.state.content}></textarea>; // Correct
return <textarea onchange={this.updateTitle} value={this.state.content}></textarea>; // Wrong