- MacOS-App-Crack, the cracked version of MacOS applications.
- This project was created because of concerns about the backdoor of the cracked version provided by others, so feel free to use the applications I cracked.
- This is what I cracked, only for personal study studies.
- If you need to use the cracked version of Linux softwares, try Linux-Software-Crack.
- If you need to use the cracked version of MacOS applications, try MacOS-App-Crack.
- If you need to use the cracked version of Windows softwares, try Win-Software-Crack.
- This cracking software/patch/method is for learning and research purposes only;
- The above content may not be used for commercial or illegal purposes, otherwise, the user shall be responsible for all consequences;
- All losses caused by the use of the above content shall be borne by the user himself;
- The user must completely remove the above content from his or her computer within 24 hours after downloading;
- If the user likes it, please support genuine, purchase and registration, get better genuine service.
- In order to support the genuine application (QAQ) and reduce the amount of search, the content of the text was reversed.
- Decoding method:
- Use PC -> Copy the following javascript code ->
- keyboard "F12" -> Console tab -> Paste -> Enter ->
- At this time, the following text can be read normally
- ;"snoitacilppA" eht ni ecno ppa eht hcnual neht ,llatsni ot "snoitacilppA" ot ppa eht garD
- ;ppa eht tratser dna "kcarC xxxx" etucexe ot kcilc-elbuoD .egakcap noitallatsni eht ni "kcarC xxxx" dellac margorp a si ereht nehw elbaliava ylno si pets sihT
- .ti yojnE
- ;gmd gnitrats nehw snoitcurtsni eht daer esaelP
- .ti yojnE
ppA | dnemmoceR | noitpircseD | ecruoS |
orP PTF ymmuY | ☆★★★★ | tneilc PTFS elbailer dna lanoisseforp yrev A | etisbew laiciffO |
eertecruoS | ★★★★★ | tnemeganam tcejorp tig rof elbatius ,ecafretni lausiv a htiw erawtfos lortnoc noisrev tcejorp A | etisbew laiciffO |
oidutS orPLQS | ☆☆☆☆★ | LQSyM dna elcarO ,sergtsoP ,revreS LQS stroppus taht loot tnemeganam noitazilausiv esabatad A | etisbew laiciffO |
rennuRedoC | ★★★★★ | gnitset dipar dna segaugnal gnimmargorp suoirav stroppus taht loot gnimmargorp A | etisbew laiciffO |
muimerP tacivaN | ★★★★★ | eno on ,loot tnemeganam tnempoleved esabatad tseb ehT | etisbew laiciffO |
TRCeruceS | ★★★★★ | slocotorp IPAT dna ,nigoLR ,laireS ,tenleT ,2HSS ,1HSS stroppus taht rotalume lanimret etomer lufrewop A | etisbew laiciffO |
piZretteB | ★★★★★ | sedom noisserpmoc fo rebmun egral a stroppus taht loot noisserpmoced doog yrev A | etisbew laiciffO |
eeX | ★★★★★ | hctiws noitator erutcip gnillorcs daphcuot stroppus taht loot gnisworb egami nA | etisbew laiciffO |
redniFartX | ★★★★★ | reganam elif redniF lufrewop yrev a rof nigulp decnahne nA | etisbew laiciffO |
beWM | ★★★★★ | noitareneg egap bew citats dna ,tnemeganam tnemucod ,nwodkraM setargetni taht noitacilppa nwodkraM A | etisbew laiciffO |
mooM | ☆☆★★★ | noitacilppa tuoyal wodniw tsaf dna tneiciffe nA | etisbew laiciffO |
XRxEgeR | ☆★★★★ | loot gnitset noisserpxe raluger evitiutni nA | etisbew laiciffO |
relipmoceD FWS | ☆☆☆☆★ | relipmoced hsalf A | etisbew laiciffO |
esaBym | ☆☆★★★ | tnemeganam noitamrofni lanosrep dna erawtfos gnikat-eton ,esabatad mrof-eerf ,erawtfos tnemeganam egdelwonk gnitargetni noitacilppa nA | etisbew laiciffO |
orP rerolpxE iFiW | ☆☆★★★ | tnemeganam dna sisylana iFiW rof loot A | etisbew laiciffO |
sucoFinmO | ☆☆☆☆★ | tnemeganam noitcasnart dna emit no desucof noitacilppa nA | etisbew laiciffO |
rotinoMSF | ☆★★★★ | noitacilppa gnirotinom metsys elif lacitcarp A | etisbew laiciffO |
eciffO SPW | ★★★★★ | tnioprewoP ,lecxE ,droW gnidulcni ,erawtfos eciffO | etisbew laiciffO |
retsooBcaM | ☆☆★★★ | noitacilppa noitazimitpo dna gninaelc metsys A | etisbew laiciffO |
savnaC GMD | ☆☆★★★ | gnigakcaP GMD | etisbew laiciffO |
tsificaP | ☆☆☆★★ | gnikcapnu GMD ,GKP | etisbew laiciffO |
GKPllatsninU | ☆☆★★★ | )tamrof GKP ni segakcap noitallatsni rof( llatsninu PPA | etisbew laiciffO |
eMhsarT | ★★★★★ | )egakcap noitallatsni tamrof GMD rof( llatsninu PPA | etisbew laiciffO |
tidEartlU | ☆☆☆☆★ | rotide txet lufrewop A | etisbew laiciffO |
etsaP | ★★★★★ | noitacilppa draobpilc tnellecxe nA | etisbew laiciffO |
xegeR | ☆☆☆☆★ | noitacilppa tset noisserpxe raluger esicnoc A | etisbew laiciffO |
noillixiP | ☆★★★★ | stamrof nommoc ot noitidda ni .cte ,DSP ,OCI ,GVS ,FFIT ,0002GEPJ stroppus taht retrevnoc elif egami lufrewop A | etisbew laiciffO |
rzitessA | ☆☆☆☆★ | noitacilppa gnissecorp egami nA | etisbew laiciffO |
orP tiKRCO | ☆☆☆☆★ | noitacilppa noitingocer txet egami nA | etisbew laiciffO |
sulPelbaT | ☆☆★★★ | loot tnempoleved esabatad ecnamrofrep-hgih elbailer dna efas A | etisbew laiciffO |
XFeruceS | ☆☆☆☆★ | noitacilppa tneilc PTFS + PTF Aloot tnempoleved esabatad ecnamrofrep-hgih elbailer dna eruces A | etisbew laiciffO |
tiKdaeR | ☆☆★★★ | noitacilppa gnidaer SSR nA | etisbew laiciffO |
GMDporD | ☆☆☆☆★ | gnigakcaP GMD | etisbew laiciffO |
selrahC | ★★★★★ | stekcap erutpac ot desu ylniam ,loot sisylana krowten A | etisbew laiciffO |
elpicnirP | ☆☆☆☆★ | loot gnipytotorp evitcaretni nA | etisbew laiciffO |
orP tsivoM | ★★★★★ | iva ,4pm sa hcus stamrof oediv lla tsomla stroppus taht reyalp oediv aidem noitinifed-hgih A | etisbew laiciffO |
rotidE 010 | ☆★★★★ | rotide xeh dna rotide txet lanoisseforp A | etisbew laiciffO |
tidEBB | ☆☆☆☆★ | rotide txet dna LMTH lanoisseforp gnidael A | etisbew laiciffO |
hsaD | ☆★★★★ | srepoleved rof noitacilppa noitagergga tnemucod IPA nA | etisbew laiciffO |
suneM tatSi | ★★★★★ | noitacilppa gnirotinom metsys dnuor-llA | etisbew laiciffO |
orP tidEtsilP | ☆★★★★ | noitacilppa gnitide tnemucod tsilP lanoisseforp A | etisbew laiciffO |
emaneR redniF retteB A | ☆☆★★★ | noitacilppa emaner hctab lufrewop A | etisbew laiciffO |
suimreT | ☆☆★★★ | tneilc ptfs + hss mroftalp-ssorc lufituaeb dna etisiuqxe nA | etisbew laiciffO |
erapmoC dnoyeB | ★★★★★ | noitacilppa nosirapmoc redlof dna txet lanoisseforp A | etisbew laiciffO |
einwoD | ★★★★★ | noitacilppa daolnwod oediv enilno lufrewop dna lufesu yrev A | etisbew laiciffO |
etumreP | ☆☆★★★ | noitacilppa noisrevnoc oediv esu ot ysae yrev A | etisbew laiciffO |
rotcepsnI ecafretnI | ☆☆☆☆★ | ecafretni ppa eht fo seitreporp erutcurts eht stsil taht noitacilppa yrailixua nA | etisbew laiciffO |
ollipS | ☆☆☆☆★ | noitacilppa tnemeganam kramkoob A | etisbew laiciffO |
evresbQ | ☆☆☆☆★ | ppa gnikcart emit A | etisbew laiciffO |
ggniRi | ☆☆★★★ | noitacilppa rekam enotgnir A | etisbew laiciffO |
xloF | ☆☆☆★★ | loot daolnwod elpmis A | etisbew laiciffO |
reifixorP | ☆★★★★ | noitacilppa yxorp lufrewop yrev A | etisbew laiciffO |
dapxeT | ☆☆☆☆★ | rotide XeTaL lanoisseforp A | etisbew laiciffO |
etiK | ☆☆☆★★ | noitacilppa gnipytotorp dna noitamina lufrewop A | etisbew laiciffO |
hctekS | ☆★★★★ | noitacilppa gniward rotcev lanoisseforp A | etisbew laiciffO |
laeveR | ☆★★★★ | noitacilppa SOI na fo ecafretni IU eht sgubed yllacimanyd taht noitacilppa nA | etisbew laiciffO |
kcoLi | ☆☆★★★ | snoitacilppa socam ot noitcetorp drowssap dda nac taht noitacilppa nA | etisbew laiciffO |
hsiwS | ☆★★★★ | serutseg no desab noitacilppa tnemeganam wodniw A | etisbew laiciffO |
ppA | daolnwoD + noisreV | etad esaeleR |
kcarC orP PTF ymmuY | 5.0.2v | 32-30-9102 |
kcarC eertecruoS | )312( 1.1.3v | 32-30-9102 |
kcarC oidutS orPLQS | )924011( 924.0.1v | 42-30-9102 |
kcarC rennuRedoC | )00712( 1.0.3v | 52-30-9102 |
kcarC muimerP tacivaN | 81.1.21v | 52-30-9102 |
kcarC piZretteB | )6441( 2.2.4v | 72-30-9102 |
kcarC eeX | )54( 3.5.3v | 82-30-9102 |
kcarC redniFartX | 7.3.1v | 82-30-9102 |
kcarC beWM | 1.2.3v | 13-30-9102 |
kcarC mooM | )6523( 41.2.3v | 80-40-9102 |
kcarC XRxEgeR | 1.8.1v | 01-40-9102 |
kcarC relipmoceD FWS | )2102( 4.7v | 01-40-9102 |
kcarC esaBym | 3.7v | 01-40-9102 |
kcarC orP rerolpxE iFiW | )43( 6.1.2v | 01-40-9102 |
kcarC sucoFinmO | 1.2.3v | 41-40-9102 |
kcarC rotinoMSF | )78( 7.0.1v | 41-40-9102 |
kcarC redniFartX | 01.3.1v | 42-40-9102 |
kcarC eciffO SPW | )4531( 1.0.1v | 30-50-9102 |
kcarC retsooBcaM | 4.2.7v | 90-50-9102 |
kcarC savnaC GMD | )423( 1.4.2v | 90-50-9102 |
kcarC tsificaP | )37592( 1.6.3v | 90-50-9102 |
kcarC GKPllatsninU | )5121( 5.1.1v | 90-50-9102 |
kcarC eMhsarT | 12.1.2v | 90-50-9102 |
kcarC tidEartlU | | 11-50-9102 |
kcarC etsaP | )55( 3.4.2v | 11-50-9102 |
kcarC xegeR | 5.2.2v | 11-50-9102 |
kcarC noillixiP | 40.6v | 41-50-9102 |
kcarC rzitessA | 4.0.2v | 41-50-9102 |
kcarC orP tiKRCO | 51.2.91v | 41-50-9102 |
kcarC sulPelbaT | )402( 1.2v | 51-50-9102 |
kcarC XFeruceS | )7681( 3.5.8v | 51-50-9102 |
kcarC tiKdaeR | )1108( 1.6.2v | 51-50-9102 |
kcarC GMDporD | 5.5.3v | 61-50-9102 |
kcarC selrahC | 8.2.4v | 61-50-9102 |
kcarC elpicnirP | )8105( 7.5v | 61-50-9102 |
kcarC orP tsivoM | )37( 3.1.2v | 61-50-9102 |
esneciL rotidE 010 | 1.0.9v | 71-50-9102 |
esneciL tidEBB | )860214( 3.6.21v | 71-50-9102 |
esneciL hsaD | 2.6.4v | 71-50-9102 |
esneciL suneM tatSi | )0901( 13.6v | 71-50-9102 |
esneciL orP tidEtsilP | )998( 9.1v | 71-50-9102 |
esneciL emaneR redniF retteB A | 04.01v | 71-50-9102 |
kcarC suimreT | 0.5.4v | 02-50-9102 |
kcarC erapmoC dnoyeB | )62632( 9.2.4v | 62-50-9102 |
kcarC TRCeruceS | )7681( 3.5.8v | 62-50-9102 |
kcarC einwoD | )5002( 1.7.3v | 80-60-9102 |
kcarC etumreP | )1312( 2.2.3v | 80-60-9102 |
kcarC rotcepsnI ecafretnI | )71( 2.2v | 11-60-9102 |
kcarC ollipS | )851( 0.2v | 11-60-9102 |
kcarC evresbQ | )8586( 28.1v | 11-60-9102 |
kcarC eciffO SPW | )5751( 1.2.1v | 31-60-9102 |
kcarC suimreT | 2.7.4v | 51-60-9102 |
kcarC ggniRi | 83.0.1v | 61-60-9102 |
kcarC xloF | 97731.7.5v | 91-60-9102 |
esneciL reifixorP | 32.2v | 42-60-9102 |
kcarC dapxeT | )064( 9.8.1v | 42-60-9102 |
kcarC etiK | )64( 8.9.1v | 42-60-9102 |
kcarC hctekS | )67087( 55v | 42-60-9102 |
kcarC redniFartX | 0.5.1v | 10-70-9102 |
kcarC laeveR | )71921( 42v | 62-90-9102 |
kcarC einwoD | )1303( 8.9.3v | 50-20-0202 |
kcarC piZretteB | )8551( 5.2.4v | 60-20-0202 |
kcarC erapmoC dnoyeB | )54542( 3.3.4v | 60-20-0202 |
kcarC etsaP | )36( 5.5.2v | 60-20-0202 |
kcarC orP tsivoM | )731( 51.2.2v | 60-20-0202 |
kcarC eertecruoS | )432( 1.0.4v | 60-20-0202 |
kcarC savnaC GMD | )310003( 8.0.3v | 60-20-0202 |
esneciL kcoLi | 2.0.3v | 60-20-0202 |
kcarC rennuRedoC | )03712( 1.3v | 60-20-0202 |
kcarC selrahC | 6.5.4v | 60-20-0202 |
kcarC retsooBcaM | )00603( 1.0.8v | 60-20-0202 |
kcarC hsiwS | 2.2.1v | 70-20-0202 |
kcarC XRxEgeR | 2.9.1v | 70-20-0202 |
kcarC einwoD | )1524( 5.2.4v | 03-50-1202 |
kcarC savnaC GMD | )420003( 51.0.3v | 13-50-1202 |
kcarC muimerP tacivaN | 6.0.61v | 70-10-2202 |