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FDE Bonus Project 3 - K Nearest Neighbors


Use Linux as operating system to work on this task. We cannot provide support for any Windows or macOs related problems.

Problem Description

In this project we work on a directed graph and implement an algorithm to find the K Nearest Neighbors (knn) of a start node.

Each edge of the directed graph has a weight. The K Nearest Neighbors are the k nodes (result nodes) with the cheapest path from start node to result node. The cost of a path is the sum of all edges of the path. The cheapest path is the one with the lowest cost.

Figure 1: 3-Nearest Neighbors search on a directed graph with start node 8. The result nodes are highlighted in green.

For our example in Figure 1 the 3-Nearest-Neighbors of start node 8 are the result nodes: (node: 6, cost: 0.2), (node: 7, cost: 0.5), (node 3, cost: 0.6).

For this project we are only interested in the K Nearest Neighbor nodes and the cost of their path as shown in the example result. You do not need to keep track of the nodes on the path itself.

Please make sure your K Nearest Neighbors result:

  • contains the weight of the cheapest paths from start node to each result node
  • contains no result node twice

Your Task

Implement an efficient K Nearest Neighbors algorithm for a directed graph in the function getKNN() in include/KNN.hpp. All solutions that compute correct results and achieve a time measurement better than 2 minutes on the leaderboard will be accepted for the bonus. It is sufficient to implement a single-thead solution, you do not need any parallelization.

Your implementation of getKNN() should return the K Nearest Neighbors as a vector of Matrix::Entries, where each Entry consists of column = the result node and weight = cost of the cheapest path from start node to this result node.

Code base & dataset

You only need to implement the K Nearest Neighbors algorithm itself in the function getKNN(). We provide you the functions to read the graph file and create a matrix in include/Matrix.hpp.
The file also contains a description of the matrix structure and the dataset format. However, the only function of the matrix you will need is getNeighbors().

Testing your solution

We provide you a smaller, but sufficient dataset (~50MB) in test/data/dataSmall.mtx to test your implementation, a test suit test/data/GraphTests.cpp and a function for developmental and experimental use src/ForTesting (you probably won't need it).

You can run the test suit executing test_all. To execute forTesting you have to provide the correct program arguments: CLion Tutorial . The binary takes three arguments:
forTesting <absolute path> <start node> <k = number of nearest neighbors>
Please provide the absolute file path and make sure it does not contain whitespaces. We provide an example in the file src/ForTesting.cpp.

Also, feel free to add tests if needed!

Leaderboard benchmark

For the leaderboard measurement we will run the binary compiled from BenchmarkLeaderboard.cpp (CMake binary bench) for four queries with different start nodes and k nearest neighbors. The used dataset (500MB) has 400000 nodes with an average number of 50 outgoing edges per node. The overall runtime from start to end is measured.

We use the same machine as for the previous projects:
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz with 4 cores, 8 hyperthreads and 32GB of memory.

Important: Remove all prints on cout before uploading onto the server, because we use cout to collect the results of the four different queries. If you don't remove them, you will receive the output "what(): Your result was wrong." (which is identical to a real wrong result).


A configuration file is provided to build this project with CMake. This allows you to build the project in the terminal but also provides the option to use Jetbrains CLion or Microsoft Visual Studio and other IDEs.

Building from Terminal: Start in the project directory.

mkdir -p build/debug
cd build/debug
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ../..

This creates the binaries test_all, bench and forTesting.


  1. Change Teamname, Realname and MatrNr in team.txt. The Teamname will be displayed publicly on the leaderboard. You can choose an arbitrary name for this, but you are also welcome to use your real name. The Realname and MatrNr will be used later to verify your submission for the grade bonus.
  2. Implement the task.
  3. Commit your changes in git and push to the gitlab repository.
  4. The build system will pick up your changes and evaluate the submission. If all tests succeed, your binary is handed over to the performance measurement harness. The resulting times will be entered into the leaderboard.
  5. Visit to see your result.

Make sure your builds are not failing!
Left Sidebar > CI /CD > Pipelines


  • Take care of cycles in the graph.
  • What happens if you see a node again, can it be cheaper?
  • Make sure the K Nearest Neighbors do not contain nodes twice. They should only contain the k cheapest neighboring nodes with their minimum costs from the start node.
  • To get below 2 minutes you need to make your algorithm efficient and only process relevant nodes. Are there ways to rule out nodes? When can you stop? ;) Which data structures are efficient? You are allowed to write the data structures yourself or use existing ones from the standard library.
  • Feel free to add files and additional classes if needed. However, you won't need it to solve this project.


If you fail a test you might want to use CLion's conditional breakpoints to investigate the cause. For example when you fail the fourth test of test_all and your third node is not 1666237, you can check what happens with the node using conditional breakpoints. Therefore, you can e.g. set a breakpoint when handling a node with column 1666237 by setting the Condition: <variable_name_you_use>.column==1666237. Jetbrains explains the use of breakpoints in CLion here.


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