WARNING Not working prototype.
Theming featuture for your Symfony2 applications. You can manage themes through a simple and customizable web interface. It's like Styles feature in phpBB. But it gives you even more, many theme loaders, store themes in .tar, .zip, remotely on GitHub or any themes gallery. Interfaces allow you to implement custom loaders, packagers, everything is customizable thanks to Symfony container. Two theme resolvers supported, you can define theme in backend or allow users to switch between enabled themes.
This bundle is compatible only with 2.1.x branch of Symfony2.
Sylius is simple but end-user and developer friendly webshop engine built on top of Symfony2.
Please visit Sylius.org for more details.
This bundle uses travis-ci.org for CI.
Before running tests, load the dependencies using Composer.
$ wget http://getcomposer.org/composer.phar
$ php composer.phar install --dev
Now you can run the tests by simply using this command.
$ phpunit
If you want to see working implementation, try out the Sylius sandbox application. It's open sourced github project.
Documentation is available on readthedocs.org.
All informations about contributing to Sylius can be found on this page.
If you are using this bundle and have any questions, feel free to ask on users mailing list. Mail or view it.
If you want to contribute, and develop this bundle, use the developers mailing list. Mail or view it.
If you want to keep up with updates, follow the official Sylius account on twitter or follow me.
This bundle uses GitHub issues. If you have found bug, please create an issue.
Releases will be numbered with the format major.minor.patch
And constructed with the following guidelines.
- Breaking backwards compatibility bumps the major.
- New additions without breaking backwards compatibility bumps the minor.
- Bug fixes and misc changes bump the patch.
For more information on SemVer, please visit semver.org website.
This versioning method is same for all Sylius bundles and applications.
License can be found here.
The bundle was originally created by Paweł Jędrzejewski. See the list of contributors.