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Quotes API

This is a Quotes API developed using NestJS framework, which provides a simple RESTful interface for managing quotes.

Project Structure

├── nest-cli.json                 # Nest CLI configuration file
├── package-lock.json             # Package lock file for npm
├── package.json                  # Project metadata and dependencies
├── prisma                        # Prisma configuration and schema
│  └── schema.prisma              # Prisma schema definition
├──                     # This file
├── src                           # Source code directory
│  ├── app.module.ts              # Main application module
│  ├── auth                       # Authentication module
│  │  ├── __mocks__               # Mocks for testing
│  │  ├── __tests__               # Unit tests for authentication
│  │  ├── auth.controller.ts      # Authentication controller
│  │  ├── auth.module.ts          # Authentication module
│  │  ├── auth.service.ts         # Authentication service
│  │  └── google.strategy.ts      # Google authentication strategy
│  ├── main.ts                    # Entry point of the application
│  ├── prisma                     # Prisma module
│  │  ├── prisma.module.ts        # Prisma module definition
│  │  └── prisma.service.ts       # Prisma service
│  ├── quotes                     # Quotes module
│  │  ├── __mocks__               # Mocks for testing
│  │  ├── __tests__               # Unit tests for quotes
│  │  ├── quotes.controller.ts    # Quotes controller
│  │  ├── quotes.module.ts        # Quotes module
│  │  └── quotes.service.ts       # Quotes service
│  └── shared                     # Shared utilities and components
│     ├── decorators              # Custom decorators
│     ├── dtos                    # Data transfer objects
│     ├── guards                  # Guards for routes
│     ├── interceptors            # Interceptors for request/response
│     ├── middleware              # Middleware functions
│     ├── pipes                   # Custom pipes for request data validation
│     ├── types                   # Custom types/interfaces
│     ├── utils                   # Utility functions
│     └── validators              # Input validators
├──           # TypeScript configuration for build
└── tsconfig.json                 # TypeScript configuration

Environment Variables

  • GOOGLE_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID: Client ID for Google OAuth authentication (used in src/auth/google.strategy.ts).
  • GOOGLE_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET: Client secret for Google OAuth authentication (used in src/auth/google.strategy.ts).
  • JWT_KEY: Secret key for JWT authentication (used in src/app.module.ts).
  • DATABASE_URL: URL for the database connection (used in prisma/schema.prisma).

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Run migrations:

    npx prisma migrate dev
  4. Start the server:

    npm run start:dev
  5. Testing

    To run tests:

    npm run test
  6. Documentation

    API documentation Will be provided soon


quotes api using nest js






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