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Public repository for the Syntə live-coding language


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◌ Syntə

is an audio live coding language and environment

The name is pronounced 'sinter', which means to create something by fusing many tiny elements together under intense heat.
It is also a portmanteau of 'synth' and 'byte', which is a reference to the stream of bytes that are generated and sent to the soundcard by Syntə.

Protect your hearing when listening to any audio on a system capable of more than 85dB SPL



Intended purpose:

To compose and perform music using algorithms

Author: Dan Arves

Available for workshops, talks and performances: [email protected]


Syntə Lang Channel


Audio synthesis
Wav playback
Mouse control
Telemetry / code display
Anything can be connected to anything else
Feedback permitted (see above)
Groups of operators can be defined, named and instantiated as functions (extensible)
Useful predefined functions
Standalone - built-in sound engine

This work and associated code is licensed for non-commercial use, see associated file
© 2022

For now this document also serves as a specification of the syntə language and may be viewed as a paper on the topic.

This document has been written to be accessible to the widest audience as a deliberate aim. Some prior knowledge of unix-like systems and sound synthesis will be useful, and you can build up some knowledge about them alongside this document.
Syntə is designed to be both capable as a serious sonic tool and a good entry point for beginners, although inevitably there is a tradeoff and so some patience and learning may be required if you are starting from scratch.

The ◊ symbol indicates a sentence or section that may need updating in future.

How to use syntə


Computer with a soundcard (internal or external)
OSS or ALSA sound driver (FreeBSD / Linux) ◊
Go programming language installed - requires at minimum version 1.18 ◊
Desire to learn about audio synthesis
Unicode support

Linux with ALSA driver should work without modifications, but latest commits may not be tested. You may need to install osspd on your Linux distribution. It is not known at present what the performance will be on other systems. ◊ The terminal emulator that has been used for development and testing is Alacritty. It works well on cool-retro-term. You may experience flickering in some terminal emulators due to the incomplete UI.

Getting Started

To download the files use git clone on this repo or click on the green code link above this doc on the main page of the github repository (which you are probably looking at right now) and download as a zip file. As the software is under continuous development it is a good idea to update the code regularly.
You should end up with a directory (folder) containing the following files and directories: (this file)
tools/info.go (optional, recommended)  
tools/listing.go (optional, recommended)  
tools/functions.go (optional) 
a directory named 'wavs' containing wav files (optional, can contain a
an empty directory named '.temp' (can contain a README file) 
an empty directory named 'recordings' (can contain a 

Open a terminal, navigate to the directory and type go run synte.go bsd-linux.go to begin. ◊ Open another terminal and run info.go similarly. This will display useful information and feedback as you input and run code, if you run this before synte.go it will display details of any loaded wavs.
Open another terminal and run listing.go to view currently running code, this will also show mute status in italics. You may wish to arrange these using a tiling window manager, terminal multiplexer, or equivalent.

You will be prompted to write your first syntə listing, a program that will make sounds.
The listing is input one line at a time. You must write the name of an operator or function, usually followed by a space and a number or signal name. The first character of a name cannot be either a number, plus, minus or dot, to avoid confusion.
Some names have special meaning, such as ones beginning with the @ or ^ characters.

Press enter to complete each line.

Try this example to test everything is working ok:

in 330hz  

This should output a single sine tone.

To mute it, type mute 0
To delete it, type del 0
(where zero is the index of the listing)

To pause playback, type : pause and : play to resume.
To exit from syntə type : exit
(The : operator is used for mode commands to Syntə)

A function is a predefined list of operations that you can use in your code as if they are operators. These are indicated by a different colour once you have typed them in.

The result of each operation is fed to the input of the next. You can call this a necklace, or listing of operations. One link of the necklace looks like this in schematic form:

input (from previous)
[operator] [operand]
output (to next)

A number represents an input value that could be used to set, for example, a frequency.
A number can be input as a frequency, time, or bpm or just a plain number. Eg. in 1/3, in 330hz, in 2s, in 500ms, in 120bpm, mul 6db.
A name represents a signal, Signals are used to store or share values using the in and out operators. Another way to think of them is as registers, like in a CPU.
You can only output to a unique signal once in a listing, but you can input multiple times from the same signal.
Think of it as a confluence of rivers flowing into one another to reach the sea. Many inputs, one output.
If you want to send two values to the same signal, either add them or combine them in other ways using operators first.

Some operators and functions do not need an operand, simply press enter after the name.

Common operations are +, mul, in, out.

The osc function outputs a ramp wave (increasing series of values up to 1, then restarts.)
osc accepts a frequency in hertz (from the preceding operation.)

Most values apart from frequencies are between -1 and 1 for audio and 0 to 1 for control/modulation. This might seem like a limited range; however, incredibly small fractions down to a number with over 300 zeros after the decimal place are possible. You won't need to handle such numbers, but if you want to experiment they can be input using the syntax 1e-3 which would represent one thousandth, or 3 millionths would be 3e-6 etc. You may also input a number as a fraction such as in 1/3.14 etc.
Any values greater than 1 or less than -1 will be clipped by the output resulting in distortion. Think of this as slicing off the tops of waveforms that are too loud. Most of the time you won't need to worry about keeping within range though.

In the syntə code example above, the output of the osc function is shaped by the sine operator. The sine operator does not produce a sound tone by itself.

dac is a special signal name which sends the output to the soundcard of your computer. Typing out dac ends a listing and sends it to the sound engine to perform computations.
Most listings end in out dac, so it can only be used once. dac stands for digital audio converter, which is the technical name for anything that takes a series of digitally represented numbers and converts them into audio. A listing that generates signals for other listings but no sound directly can end with the .out operator.

You will probably want to use the function mix which contains out dac and so will also end a necklace. mix will set the level based on the frequency of the most recent osc function within the listing to ensure output limiting doesn't take place (which may reduce the bass response). However, for listings that pass through using from it is better to use out dac.

The sino function combines osc and sine so can be used in their place.

Once you have added one listing in this way, you can add more.
Each listing has a number indicated at the beginning of the first line. This is used to reference the listing for operators like del which silences a listing and removes all its code. When inputting a new listing, typing : erase removes all operations input so far and starts again from the top. Once a listing has been launched it will be saved in the .temp/ directory and will relaunch if edited and saved.

You don't need to understand all of this right away. Everyone learns at different rates, and has a different learning style. Some need to experiment, some need a lot of detail, some by example etc. In future you may be able to find a workshop to attend if that is helpful too. If you want you can skip to the Examples section below to try out some listings directly.

Great, but what do I actually type in?

To decide what code to write, it's helpful to think about the functions or shapes that represent the sounds that you want.

Any number that increases and decreases periodically in some way will produce an audible sound if the frequency is in the range of 20 to 20,000 hertz. (1 hertz is one cycle per second.) In practice most frequencies will be between around 200 to 2000 hertz. Anything below that takes quite a lot of power and size for a speaker to produce clearly and anything above that is rarely used directly (as a fundamental or root note) and will usually only appear as overtones of other lower frequencies. A discussion of overtones and harmonics is beyond the scope of this document, doing your own research will be useful for future if they are new to you.

The osc function is actually a group of operators that are added to your listing. They are:

out ^freq  
+ a  
mod 1  
out a  

out ^freq sends the input frequency to a mix function (if you use one) for help in setting a sensible level. + adds the input to a signal called a . mod 1 allows through any number between 0 and 1. Any numbers larger have 1 subtracted until within that range, eg. 2.3 → 0.3 out a sends the result of mod 1 to the signal a, this forms a loop.

So osc is always adding to itself, yet keeping between 0 and 1. In ASCII it looks like: /|/|/| etc, you can see why it is called a ramp wave. In the study of digital signal processing it is known as a phase accumulator or numerically controlled oscillator and in mathematics it is an overflowing integrator, but you don't need to know that. Another way of looking at it is that it counts up and then starts again to generate a repeating cycle. It is one of the most useful and basic functions in producing sounds. In fact, unless you do something really fiddly, nearly all of your necklaces will contain osc somewhere. (For functional programming aficionados: the register in osc forms a closure which holds the current value of the output. Any register that is read from (with in) before writing to (with out) will form a closure, if this is allowed to change while being constrained within a certain range it will form an oscillator.)

Now what happens if you want a decreasing wave form? i.e one that counts down instead of up. What you can do is take an osc and flip it upside down with mul -1. Now it is also negative so you can + 1 to shift it to between 0 and 1 again. This is also what the flip function does. This upside down ramp can be called a sawtooth wave (although they're kind of interchangeable terms.) Interestingly you wouldn't be able to tell an audible difference between a ramp and a sawtooth wave if output directly to your speakers, that is to say they sound the same. However for low frequency modulation, like periodically changing the volume, you would definitely tell the difference. Modulation just means changing one aspect of something else, such as the volume or filtering or pitch.

Signal chains

If you are not familiar with the concepts of synthesis don't worry, with a little time and patience you can build up confidence and understanding bit by bit.

To understand signal chains, visualise how a traditional electric guitarist makes music. They connect their equipment like so:

Guitar → fx pedal → amplifier

This is the equivalent to a necklace in syntə, for example something like:

frequency → osc → lpf → mix

But in this case syntə is the guitar and the guitarist too. So in code in 330, osc, osc, mix would be a frequency controlling the frequency of another oscillator. In this case the frequency of the second oscillator will only change from 0 to 1, so we can:

in 330hz, osc, mul f, osc, mix

where f is now the maximum frequency we span to. You can use a number such as 200 instead, or feed in a value by sending to f from somewhere else. The listing input display indicates where a result is passed down the chain by a curly arrow on the left. The operators in, pop, and tap break the chain and start a with value which is either the operand, the top of the stack, or the specified delay tap, respectively.

If we examine the guitarist example more closely , we realise that the fx pedal will likely contain modulators such as LFOs, along with filters, wave shapers etc. So we can extend our analogous model to something like:

in 2.5hz, osc, flip, out a, tri, out c, in 330hz, osc, mul a, osc, lpf c, mix

Notice that the first oscillator is now generating a 2.5 hertz low frequency modulation. It is inverted before being send to a, and then shaped into a triangle wave and send to c. The second osc now operates at a fixed frequency of 330 hertz and is multiplied by a (acting like a VCA to control the volume) and filtered by c before being mixed and send to the output.

Which leads us to


To assist in writing necklaces of operations here are some useful heuristics/suggestions:

  • Low to high. Start from low frequencies (less than 20 hertz) for modulation and combine them and/or outputting to signals with out for later use, before progressing to high (audible) frequencies.

  • name each signal by the next available letter of the alphabet. Another approach, which is good for beginners is semantic naming, which is a clever way of saying to give a name that describes what the value represents - what it means. For example: OscPitch, modulatorA, lfo, env1 etc.

  • if you realise that you need to add in further modulation or adjust values, you can use push to break the necklace and then pop to resume later.

Examples ◊

To help get your creative juices flowing, try typing in these example necklaces of operations:

Add two or three separate listings of this code for a relaxing beach experience.

in 4hz
+ 0.05hz
out a
mul a

Kick and hihat

in 2hz
posc 0
mul 8
clip 0
mul 165hz
mul 2
lpf 200hz

The kick will play on every beat. For once per bar of four beats use in 120bpm, / 4 before posc

in 2hz
posc 0.5
mul 4
clip 0

Here the clip operator is used to shape the VCA envelope of the hi-hat and the listings are synchronised together with a phase offset.

Sample and hold melody

in 3.5hz
out a
in 8hz
s/h a
mul 3.5
mul 8
mod 3
mul ln3
mod ln2
base E
mul 440hz

Here the pitch is calculated exponentially, mixing powers of 3 ≡ MOD 2 to produce a scale. You are not expected to understand this straightaway! The bpm could be interpreted as quarter notes at 120bpm, because 8 / 4 = 2 and 2 x 60 = 120.

Pulse sequencing

in 120bpm
mul 1/4
out tempo
pulse 2/4
out pitch
in tempo
pulse 1/4
out+ pitch
in tempo
pulse 3/4
+ pitch
base 2
mul 330hz

This sequence will play a descending series of quarter notes spaced by an octave.

Wobble bass

in 135bpm
out a
in 55hz
mul 5
mul a
lpf a

Siren (note similarity to wobble)

in 0.2hz
mul 440hz
+ 110hz
mul 2


in 120bpm
mul 8
gt 0.5
out a
in 5hz
gt 0.9
mul a

Note that the operator gt (greater than or equal) shapes the osc into a pulse wave where threshold is the operand and so sets the pulse width.

Basic Sample manipulations

in wavR
wav [name of wav file]
out dac
in mousex
lpf 0.1hz
wav [name of wav file]
out dac
in wavR
mod 0.1
wav [name of wav file]
out dac

The mousex register supplies the relative X co-ordinate motion transmitted by the mouse. The second example simulates vinyl and the third controls the sample length. out dac is used here instead of mix assuming the sample is already pre-mixed.

Simple time-stretch algorithm

in 50hz
mul 0.25/50
mul 0.9
out a
in wavR
mul 0.1
+ a
wav [name of wav file]
out dac

The values 0.9 and 0.1 should sum to 1 to maintain original pitch. 0.25 is the frequency given by wavR for a sample length of 4 seconds

Basic reverb

in 0.5hz
lt 1/20
out a
in 440hz
mul a
+ c
mul 0.25
tape 100ms
tap 300ms
tap 70ms
lpf 1200hz
out c

The reverb begins at the + c line. the output is pushed onto the stack before being fed into tape. The feedback is from multiple taps which are attenuated by mul 0.3 before being fed back via the register c. The listing preceding the reverb generates a 440Hz sine wave gated by a pulse every 3⅓ seconds.

FM Bell

in 0.5hz
exp 5
lpf 120hz
out a
in 280hz
mul 190hz
+ 105hz
mul a

Here, we use the exp function to shape the inverted ramp wave from osc into an exponential decay to control the amplitude of the bell. Feeding the output of the second osc into a third one results in FM synthesis, that is the output of one oscillator controls or modulates the frequency of the next. The lpf smoothes out the amplitude envelope, a which helps avoid limiting on the output (slower attack reduces higher frequencies, which the limiter is more sensitive to).

Dialling tone

in 1/6hz
lt 1/3
lpf 120hz
out a
in 480hz
out c
in 440hz
+ c
mul a

Although not particularly musical, this simple necklace illustrates mixing two signals and gating them (turning on and off) with a third signal which is a pulse wave. The pulse function can be used instead to gate a signal by a variable width. slew 150hz could be added before out a instead of lpf 120hz, both smoothen the pulse for a less clicky sound.

Euclidean Rhythm

in 120bpm  
mul 1/4  
euclid 3,8,0  
decay 0.999

Functions can have up to three operands separated by commas with no spaces. Refer to the function reference below for how many each one takes. The third argument of euclid is the phase offset of the internal oscillators.
Euclidean rhythms can also be generated by using grid.

You can find more examples in the .saved directory.


List of operators

Operator Requires operand? Notes
in yes input from signal or fixed value
out yes output to signal
out+ yes add to signal
+ yes add previous result to operand, negate operand to subtract instead eg. + -1
sine no apply sine mathematical function. Output = sine(2·Pi·input)
mod yes modulo operator. Output is the remainder on division by operand
gt yes result is 1 if greater than or equal to operand, 0 otherwise. For strictly greater than, use lt followed by flip
lt yes result is 1 if less than or equal to operand, 0 otherwise. For strictly less than, use gt followed by flip
mul yes multiply operator
abs no absolute value, all inputs become positive (removes negative sign)
tanh no hyperbolic tangent, useful for 'soft clipping'
clip no restrict input between symmetrical thresholds ±operand value. 0 is a special case resulting in thresholds of 0 and 1
nois no result is a pseudo-random series of numbers in range ( [-1, 1] * input )
pow yes result is operand raised to the power of input, for convenience the sign of both input and operand is ignored (always positive,
base yes result is input raised to the power of operand. Sign of operand (±) is ignored
<sync yes receive sync pulse which zeros whatever is passed through. Operand adds phase offset on pulse
>sync yes send one sync pulse to all listings when input ≤ 0. Latches off until input > 0
.>sync yes equivalent to >sync but will end listing and launch, like out dac
push no move result to the stack of that listing
pop no take most recently pushed result from stack of that listing
buff yes record and playback from a rotating buffer, analogous to a tape loop. Operand is the offset in seconds/milliseconds (use types).
tap yes result drawn from buff and added to input from preceding listing, operand is the offset in seconds/milliseconds (use types)
f2c no convert frequency to filter coefficient. Numbers less than than 0 will be multiplied by -1 (sign removed, become positive)
wav yes will play the corresponding sample of a loaded WAV file given by the operand. Expects an input in range [0, 1], values outside this range will wrap around this interval. See section below for more information
8bit yes quantises input to 8 bits of resolution (-128 to +127). The operand is the size of quantisation steps. So to quantise a ±1 signal, use 127 as the operand. Alternatively, quantise to integers with an operand of 1.
level yes changes the output level of the listing at the index given by operand, which must be a number (not a signal). The preceding input sets the level. Level will persist after deletion. Capable of modulation up to 1100Hz, but because of this sudden large changes in level may produce clicks. Operation independent of mute
x yes alias of mul
* yes alias of x
from yes receives mono output of listing given by operand, regardless of whether that listing has been muted. By design operand must be a number not a named signal.
sgn no outputs is 1 if the input is positive and -1 if negative
/ yes subtracts the operand from the input repeatedly until zero and outputs the number of subtractions as a fraction. AKA divide. output = input / operand
\ yes output = operand / input
sub yes subtracts the operand from the input
setmix yes used internally for mix function
.level yes equivalent to level except will end input and launch listing. Operation not affected by mute
print no prints value of input to info display and passes through unchanged to next operation. Timing is a random point in an interval approximately 341ms to 682ms
index no outputs index of current listing
// yes does nothing, use to display comments. Separate words with underscores like_this_etc. Remainder of listing will be skipped, use as a single line listing
all no output is sum of all listings including preceding listing, but not including its own output. Not affected by mutes
.out yes use to end silent listing, for use with signals tempo, pitch, grid, or Exported signals.
jl0 yes jump if less than zero. The next n number of operations are skipped if input is less than or equal to zero, where n is given by operand. Bear in mind that this number of skips includes all the operations within any functions within the listing. The final operation in a listing will always execute. An operand of zero is no jump. Added for fun in a vague attempt to make syntə turing-complete
pan yes input (limited to ±1) sets the stereo pan of the listing given by operand (which must be a number, similarly to level). Positive input pans right and negative input pans left. The pan curve chosen ensures neither channel is boosted at full pan, while centrally panned sounds remain at unity gain in both channels. This is achieved by turning down the mono channel while pan increases. Because of this a sound with modulated (changing) pan summed to mono will fluctuate in volume, so we recommend modulating with a signal pan on stereo playback systems only. That is to say - for full mono compatibility only apply static pan (input is unchanging) at most. But don't worry as this is somewhat of a niche concern. Pan will persist after deletion
-- yes output = operand - input. Useful for r = 1-r in particular
fft no applies a fast fourier transform to the input, which is registered internally (on a per-listing basis) for use by related operators below
ifft no output is an inverse fast fourier transform applied to the internal frequency domain representation
ffrz yes when operand is zero, freeze the process in fft
gafft yes gating in the frequency domain. All frequencies in magnitude below the given operand are zeroed when the operand is positive, frequencies above absolute value of operand are zeroed when it is negative
fftrnc yes a proportion of the frequency spectrum given by operand is zeroed, creating a brickwall filter. Positive operands create low-pass, negative operands create high-pass
shfft yes frequency spectrum is rotated by amount given by operand
rev no reverse order of internal frequency representation
ffzy no randomise phases of internal representation
ffltr yes smear multiple windows, suggest operand in range 2s to 50s
ffaze yes rotate phases by operand [-1. 1]
index yes access index of listing
log no output is base-2 logarithm of input. Negative inputs are treated as if they are positive
4lp no four concatenated all-pass filters with delays of between 4ms and 20ms, useful to create diffuse reverbs within a tape echo loop
fma yes fused multiply add, the result of the input multiplied by the operand is stored in a special register fma (not implemented yet) ◊

List of commands (won't appear in listing, rld and del will remove any unlaunched input)

Command Requires operand? Notes
[ yes begin function definition, operand is name
] no end function definition. Listing input is cleared
: yes perform mode command: exit, erase, play, pause, fon, foff, clear, verbose, mc
fade yes changes fade out time after exit. Default is 325e-3 (unit is seconds, maximum 130s)
del yes delete an entire compiled and running listing numbered by operand. Play will be resumed if paused. On deletion the .temp/*.syt file remains intact so the listing can be reloaded with rld. If you wish to delete all listings simply exit from Syntə and restart
mute yes mute or un-mute listing at index given by operand. Muting won't affect sync operations sent by a listing
m yes alias of mute
m+ yes like mute but simply adds to mute group, the whole group is launched (and reset) at once by a final invocation of mute or m
unmute no un-mute all muted listings
solo yes solo listing at index given by operand (all other listings are muted). Solo-ing the same listing twice will reinstate prior mutes, including if a previous solo state
s yes alias of solo
release yes set the release constant of the built in limiter. The limiter VCA envelope will decay by approximately 70dB in the operand time given in milliseconds. Default is 1s. Times of less than ~200ms may result in audible distortion or pumping. Times greater than ~2s will have a slow response to a decrease in level. The limiter has absolute peak detection (non-interpolated) and the attack (onset) is instantaneous. The decay curve is not strictly exponential as it has a slow onset to avoid distortion. Any listings that are much louder than the others will bring down the volume of all listings.
.mute yes equivalent to mute except will insert 'out dac' to launch listing. Play will be resumed if paused
.del yes equivalent to del except will insert 'out dac' to launch listing. Used in effect to replace a listing, play will be resumed if paused
.solo yes equivalent to solo except will insert 'out dac' to launch listing. Play will be resumed if paused
erase yes erase preceding number of lines given by operand. For erase all use : erase.
e yes alias of erase
rld yes reload edited listing, file in .temp/ is not updated. if index not extant, will append to listings, but won't overwrite that particular .temp/ file
r yes alias of rld
do yes repeat next operation or function n times, where n is given by the operand. Define a temporary function for this purpose if needs be. any instance of the string "{i}" will be replaced by index of do loop number i.e. 0 to 9, for do 9. Alternatively, "{i+1}" will produce 1 to 10 in that instance. Multiple listings can be reloaded with eg. do 3, r {i}

List of built-in functions

Function Requires operand? Notes
flip no turn a value between [0, 1] 'upside down', the input is flipped around y=½. Not suitable for negative values
tri no shape a value in range [0, 1] from saw/ramp to triangle. (mul 2, + -1, abs)
osc no ramp wave, (phase accumulator). Output in range [0,1]. Has DC offset of ½
saw no saw wave, descending ramp. Output in range ±1
mix yes output adjusted level to soundcard and end listing
s/h yes samples and holds input when operand moves greater than zero from less than or equal to zero. Use ramp or square to supply operand. See 'Sample and hold melody' example above. Feed a pulse to operand of lpf for track and hold
dist yes distortion, operand controls amount
sino no sine wave oscillator
lpf yes 6dB per octave low-pass filter. Operand is cutoff frequency in Hertz. Cascade (repeat) for steeper cutoff
heat yes 'bulb-element' emulator (untested) ◊
cv2a no convert range [0, 1] to [-1, 1]
test yes output a sine test tone at the frequency of the given operand. Output at full scale, so may be much louder than other listings and engage the limiter
decay yes will decay away to nothing from 1. 0.9997 is approx 20s, lower is quicker decay. Resets when input goes from 0 to 1. Using down and exp usually easier
half yes like decay but accepts an operand in seconds that defines the 'half-life' of the decay. Input will override decay.
once no like osc but only completes one cycle and output remains at 1
pulse yes pulse generator with duty cycle (pulse width) set by operand. Output is between 0 and 1, follow by cv2a for audio out. pulse 0 will give a one sample pulse, any operand greater than or equal to 1 will be silent, i.e. output continuous zero. pulse 0.5 is a square wave like sq
ramp no like osc but with an output suitable for audio, i.e. spans -1 to 1
posc yes like osc but will retrigger on a sync pulse. Operand sets phase offset. Can also use out ^z to control the phase independently of sync.
slew yes swings to the input at a rate given by operand. Intended for pulses/square waves. Maximum slew rate is 1% of the sample rate, typically this would be less than 500hz
T2 no implements Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind. In plain english this means it will double the frequency of anything passed through it
zx no detects negative-going zero-crossing of input. A preceding ramp will generate a single pulse of 1 at the end of its cycle.
lmap yes implements the Logistic Map, modified to constrain the output to range [0,1] using mod (to prevent divergence at high values of r). Iterates on zero-crossing of the input. Operand is the r value, suggested between 3 and 4. Precede with ramp and follow with cv2a for audio output
euclid 3 outputs euclidean rhythms at the frequency given by input as a series of pulses. Eg. output for (3,8) = "X..X..X." the X will be 1 and the rests 0
exp yes converts linear ramps on interval [0,1] to exponential. Operand is the number of times one is halved for an input of zero, eg. three would be ½ x ½ x ½ = ⅛, the greater the number the steeper the curve. Typically useful to shape a descending ramp. Negative operands will double instead of halve
dial no plays uk telephone ringing tone
dirac no outputs a single sample pulse when input goes from 0 to 1. Will trigger on first run of listing if input is 1
range 2 spreads input from 0 to ±1 across a range of values from the first operand to the second. Eg. range 220hz,440hz. If the second operand is smaller the range will be negative. Operands should be in order of slow to fast, eg. 2s,1s
bd909 2 unfinished '909' kick drum. first operand is decay and second is pitch. ◊
down yes slews downwards for decreasing signals, jumps immediately to an increasing or static (unchanging) signal value. Use with a narrow pulse to make a linear decay envelope. Descends at rate given by operand
echo 2 repeated echo of input using buff internally. First operand is repeat interval (time), second operand is loop/feedback gain, >1 is infinite repeats (may distort), 0 is no repeats and no output. Use in conjunction with from or mix in with original input
step yes generates a rising staircase of values with the operand number of steps within input time interval, eg 120bpm or 2hz. Output is between [0,1]. This implementation is not precise due to overflows (low frequency aliasing). Uses s/h internally. For precision use osc or posc p followed by 8bit n, where p is the phase offset from sync and n is the equivalent of the step operand
tempo yes operand sets the tempo across all listings, subsequent invocations will set tempo for subsequent listings
grid no generates a square wave at frequency of input and sends out to grid, accessible across all listings in ascending order like tempo. The grid signal can be used to gate audio using mul. Euclidean rhythms can be generated by s/h-ing other gate signals at different frequencies. Contains >sync
count yes generates a rising staircase of values from 1 up to and including operand. Use a pulse or square wave [0,1] as input. Uses dirac to detect edge transitions internally. Can be used with in <tempo>, osc, lt 0.5, count n as a more precise equivalent to step
hpf yes 6dB per octave high-pass filter. Operand is cutoff frequency in Hertz
tape yes record and playback from a rotating buffer, analogous to a tape loop. Input will clip around ±1, this is to control the level when using feedback. Operand is the offset in seconds/milliseconds (use types). Contains a high-pass filter internally
alp 2 first-order all-pass delay line using buff. First operand is delay time, second operand is damping coefficient [0,1]
pink no approximation of pinkening filter, low pass at -3db per octave
play yes plays wav given by operand once when input goes from 0 to 1
sqr no square wave at audio levels, output is in range [-1,1]
sq no square wave, equivalent to pulse 0.5, output is in range [0,1], contains <sync
xvr no emulates class-B crossover distortion
sclp no soft clipping, harsher than tanh
every yes for a pulse (or square) input [0,1], outputs a pulse ending at second rising edge of input every n input pulses, where n is the operand. Uses count internally
intfr yes non-linear feedback leads to radio-interference sounding patterns
fractal yes fractal inspired non-linear feedback mangles input in interesting ways
catch no output is zero until first sync pulse received, input is passed through to output thereafter. Use before last operation of a listing containing posc for a smooth launch
smooth no alias of lpf 150hz, use to smoothen vca signals or other below audio rate CV's
CB yes an 808-like cowbell, triggered like dirac. Operand multiplies pitch
.grid no an experimental alternative to grid, will terminate listing. Not synced
for yes input sets frequency of pulse which stays high for time interval given by operand, output is [0, 1]
/b 2 creates a rising ramp in sync with a ramp sent to sync signal
def 2 sends tempo and sync to other listings, first argument is tempo, second is number of beats which the sync wave spans. Launches listing
def_ 2 like def but can be followed by other operators (doesn't launch)
noise no output 'white' noise, input controls volume

List of pre-defined constants

Name Description
ln2 natural logarithm of 2
ln3 " " 3
ln5 " " 5
E the mathematical constant e
Pi π, ratio of diameter to circumference of an ideal circle
Phi φ, the golden ratio = (1+√5)/2
invSR 1 / SampleRate
SR SampleRate
Epsilon Epsilon, smallest possible number within Syntə
wavR Frequency for wav playback at SampleRate, 0.25Hz at 4s sample time. Will need to be adjusted for samples with a different rate
semitone The twelfth root of 2, ratio of one semitone interval
Tau τ, = 2π
ln7 natural logarithm of 7
null 0
fifth equal temperament = 2^(7/12) ≈ 1.5 (2:3)
third major, equal temperament = 2^(1/3) ≈ 1.25 (4:5)
seventh major, equal temperament = 2^(11/12) ≈ 1.875 (8:15)
List of reserved signals
dac signal represents output to soundcard. For use as out dac only
tempo signal is daisy chained between listings, can be set with out. Will be zero until set by an out or .out, value will persist if this is deleted
pitch acts the same as tempo
mousex value of mousepad X-coordinate
mousey value of mousepad Y-coordinate
butt1 value of left mouse button, 0 or 1
butt2 value of centre mouse button, 0 or 1
butt3 value of right mouse button, 0 or 1
grid acts the same as tempo and pitch

List of modes (preceded by : operator)

mode Description
exit shutdown Syntə
q alias of exit
erase erase entire listing input
e alias of erase
pause pause playback
play resume playback
fon save newly defined functions on exit
foff resume ephemeral functions
clear clear info message display
verbose show verbose listings in listing display, type again to toggle off
mc switch mouse curve to linear (default is exponential). Toggles
stats display Go's automatic memory management pause times in info display

The notation [a,b] is a closed interval, which means the numbers between a and b, including a and b.

The input syntax is in EBNF:
operator " " [ [","] operand [","] " " ]
An operand can be a name or a number where:
name = letter { letter | digit }
number = float [ ( "/" | "\*" ) float ] [type]
A letter is defined as any UTF-8 character excluding + - . 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A float matches the floating point literal in the Go language specification.
A type can be one of the following tokens:
"hz", "khz", "m", "s", "ms", "bpm", "!", or "db"
Lists of operations may be composed into functions with multiple arguments.
The function syntax is:
function [ " " operand [ "," operand ] [ "," operand ] ] .


Although theoretically possible, Syntə is not primarily designed for making 'normal' music. A suggested use is the composition of waves, frequencies, shapes and combinations thereof to express a feeling or to dance to.
The ideal aspect of Syntə is using the full power of a modern computer to produce musical structures that would otherwise be difficult to materialise. The simple building blocks help gain insight into the workings and provide almost orthogonal flexibility. (If something is orthogonal it means the smallest number of parts to realise the full possibilities of a concept space.)
Syntə enables detailed specification of sounds because it is built from small atomic operations. This gives a lot of freedom, which in turn requires some learning and practice. If you are new to synthesis you will need to learn that to, the program itself won't teach you. However, in the opinion of the author the concepts and maths of audio are a delight to uncover and play with. Most of the time simple arithmetic is all that is required for a deeper understanding. Take small steps and be surprised at what you achieve in time.
The language is intended to expand and supplement the existing live-coding space to offer other possibilities and benefit the ecosystem as a whole.

Listings are asynchronous and will start immediately on submission to the sound engine. A >sync operation can be used to synchronise listings using posc, with any offset.

Sample Playback ◊

Any wav files placed in a folder named wavs will be loaded on startup. They need to be either 16, 24 or 32bit resolution and either stereo or mono PCM format files. You will need to adjust the frequency of playback for wavs with non-standard sample rates. The nominal playback frequency is given by the pre-defined constant wavR which you can use for normal playback like so:

in wavR  
wav [name of wav file, indicated above listings]  
out dac  

In the necklace above in sets the frequency of playback which is passed to osc to generate a rising ramp wave at that frequency. This 'scans' through the sample using the wav operator. Another way to look at it is that the output of osc, which repeats every 4 seconds, is 'shaped' into a sample waveform by wav. Any number between 0 and 1 will play the corresponding value of the sample at that point. Eg. 0.1 will play the sample at 400ms in. A continuous stream of values from osc will play the entire wav file. A decreasing series of numbers produced by, for example, osc, flip will play the sample backwards. flip turns the values of osc upside-down so they count down instead of up.
Different frequencies fed to osc will change the speed of playback and adding a fixed number will offset the starting point of playback. So

in wavR  
+ 0.5  
wav [name]  
out dac  

will playback starting halfway through the sample. You don't need to worry if the input value exceeds 1 as it will automatically wrap around so eg. 2.37 will become 0.37 and remain in range. As the default wav length is 4 seconds, 1 second of the wav corresponds to input of 0.25, 2s to 0.5 etc. Different rules apply for samples shorter than 4s. ◊
By increasing the frequency and decreasing the amplitude of osc, a shorter section of the wav will be played.

wavR is a pre-defined constant which gives the playback speed for a sample recorded at the same rate as the internal sample rate, which is typically 48kHz. To adjust to playback speed for samples recorded at a different rate simply mul 44100/48000 for example, where the desired rate is 44.1kHz. This could be put more simply as mul 441/480, which is equivalent. To show this in a working necklace for clarity:

in wavR
mul 441/480
wav [name]
out dac

By design only the first 4 seconds of any wav file will be loaded. Two reasons for this are fast-loading times and to encourage creativity. You can manually edit any wav file in a free program such as Audacity to ensure the part you want to play is within the first 4 seconds, ideally starting at the beginning of the sample. Samples less then 4 seconds long are fine.

Later on, the intention is to provide more flexibility in synchronising other necklaces to wav files using l.wavname signals. This has been partially implemented and would provide the possibility to sync to exact loop length samples. Likewise, you can use r.wavname in place of wavR. ◊

Tape loop ◊

Each listing has a tape loop available which is accessed by the buff operator. The tape loop is a rolling buffer of 1 second in length. The operand given sets the delay time of the initial tap. The loop can be additionally accessed by the tap operator, which will sum the new tap to its input. Multiple tap operators can be used. The use of multiple buff operators is undefined. Bear in mind that for modulating tap times (eg. for chorusing/detuning) only a small amount is required, and as time is inversely proportional to frequency this leads to large modulation times. For example in 3hz, osc, sine, mul 30s, + 100ms, out t, ... buff t ... An easier formulation is in 3hz, osc, sine, mul 0.01, + 1, mul 100ms, out t, ... buff t ...

Arithmetic operations

An operand may be added in a listing of the form a/b or a*b where a and b are valid numbers and the result is division and multiplication respectively. For example: typing

in 2/3  

will result in

in 0.666666666...  

being added to the listing

Type system

This is a fancy term for inputting numerical values with a unit of measurement. If you tell someone a duration you might say: "it will take three hours", you don't just say "it will take three". In a similar way Syntə expects to be told what the number you have input means. A number can be a frequency expressed in Hertz, a bpm (beats per minute), a time in seconds or milliseconds, or a decibel level (negative numbers reduce signal level, positive increases). For example:

440hz   <= this is the approximate frequency of the note A

135bpm  <= a typical house music tempo

10s     <= ten seconds, equivalent to 0.1hz

50ms    <= 50 milliseconds, equivalent to 20hz - the lowest audible frequency

6db     <= double the magnitude (by multiplying the signal)
-6db    <= halve the magnitude (by multiplying the signal)

Internally all these numbers are converted to a unitless number within Syntə which is typically between zero and one, except in the case of 6db which is 2, 12db is 4 etc. The calculation to convert frequencies is:
input / sample rate
And for seconds is:
1 / ( input * sample rate )

The types available are: hz khz, m, s, ms, bpm, db Corresponding to: Hertz, Kilohertz, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, beats per minute, and decibels

In future this type system may be developed further to require a specific type for input to each operator, which will be converted on-the-fly. This will also enable the possibility of reducing the sample rate under heavy load, which has not been needed so far.


Signals are the way of passing values around outside of the main flow through the necklace. Signals which are named and not just numbers can be referred to as registers, because they register a value. Usually the initial value of a named signal is 0. If you want it to begin as 1, add ' to the name. So a becomes 'a. Likewise you can use the double quotation mark " to have a default value of one half. If you want to be able to overwrite the value of a signal with out (more than once in a necklace), which is not normally possible, you can add ^ to the name. So a becomes ^a. You can use both of these special symbols with a single signal, but the circumflex ^ must come first or it will be ignored.

CV and audio signal ranges

Varying numbers intended for output to the soundcard usually span the range [-1,+1]. CVs, or control voltages, which are used to control other parts of the signal chain and not produce sound directly typically span the range [0,1]. For instance the output of ramp, saw and sine which are intended to produce frequencies at audible rates (20 - 20,000Hz) all go between ±1, whereas osc which can be used to control a vca or the pitch of another oscillator spans between zero and 1. To make osc suitable for direct audio output you can use the cv2a function, which is exactly what ramp does. CV signals are generally slower and more rounded than audio signals. The flip function can be used to turn a CV upside-down, use mul -1 to do the same for an audio signal (essentially what saw does).


Syntə produces the same audio on two channels (Left and Right) by default. Panning of a specific listing can be adjusted or modulated using the pan operator. The signal sent via pan is fed directly without any filtering - so smooth inputs are recommended. If in doubt, precede pan by lpf 10hz.
For those interested, the panning is facilitated by a mid-sides configuration internally. Each pan signal is passed though the limiter vca (the part that turns the sound down if too loud) but not through the limiter detection (the part that decides if the audio is too loud), thus the limiter may modulate the stereo width, but the stereo image should remain stable. As noted above, in the event you require full mono-compatibility it is best to avoid modulating the pan of any listing; however, static pans (eg. in 1/2, pan 0)should be ok.


By default (and by design) when a listing is sent to the sound engine it starts immediately. The synchronisation operators >sync and <sync can be used to co-ordinate listings to play in time with one another. First, for a rhythmic element use the phase synchronised oscillator posc instead of osc. This contains a <sync operation which will reset the waveform when it receives a sync pulse. The posc operator requires a number between 0 and 1 to offset the phase, you can use 0 to start with and experiment later. For reference 0.5 would result in a phase shift of 180°, 1 would be 360° etc. Phase will only be set once a sync pulse is received.
To send a sync pulse you can use >sync to synchronise all listings containing a posc. For >sync you can either simply:


which will send one pulse. The . allows .>sync to end a listing and send it to the sound engine. The listings containing posc will remain in sync, even if you then delete this listing. Or, for periodic syncing you can:

in 120bpm

which will send pulses at the frequency given, in this case 120bpm. osc, gt 0.5 can be also be used in place of ramp, in general any signal which transitions to zero or less than zero (from greater than zero) at the desired sync point will work. sq begins at 1, so will trigger sync halfway through its cycle.
Muting a sync listing will have no effect on the synchronisation, as it is send via a separate channel.
A listing can be synced on launch by adding >sync at the top.

If you wish to launch a listing that only starts playing when the next <sync is received, use the catch function prior to the last operation, eg. catch, mix.

Sync pulses transmitted will be indicated by a yellow dot at the top of the info display.

The synchronisation is somewhat rudimentary, a world away from DAW/midi sequencers, yet it has been designed to be raw and flexible in keeping with the Syntə philosophy. It also allows for a modicum of 'musicianship' as it is possible to submit listings in time with one another by hand (without sync) if you are that way inclined. Of course this is live coding which only intersects with music in general :)

UPDATE: A new synchronisation paradigm has been introduced for smoother DAW-like capabilities where required. There is a new built-in signal sync that can be used to send a varying waveform such as a ramp from osc. This can be received using /b which is similar to posc. /b takes two arguments - the first is the number of cycles in a given sync cycle, and the second is the phase offset of each. The output of /b is a ramp like osc which can be further shaped using eg. flip, exp 5 or trn 4. The b in /b stands for bars or beats, the slash echoes a rising ramp waveform passed to sync. Synchronise listings using for example: in 135bpm, / 8, osc, .out sync and then something like /b 8,0, ... - where 8 is the number of beats in 2 bars of 4/4 time. The function def can be used instead to specify tempo and number of beats that the sync loop will span. ◊

Setting levels

The level operator is used to adjust the audio level of a running listing, like so: in 0.5 level 2 which would set listing two to half the available level, which is -6dB. This level-setting listing may be deleted straightaway and the level will persist once set. Although intended for basic mixing of listings, you may modulate the level at rates up to 1200Hz. This is an arbitrary limit set to reduce clicks produced by immediate large changes in volume, while still allowing frequency modulation. You need to use .level to end a necklace.

Adding functions

If you find yourself reusing the same chunk of code multiple times, it is possible to define a named function which will instantiate that chunk of code. To begin, type [ followed by the new name. Then type the listing as normal and at the end type ] (no operand) which will complete the function add, the listing will then be restarted blank. This function won't be saved on exit but may be used as you wish during the current session. To permanently save a function which you feel will be useful in future type : fon before exiting and it will be saved to the 'functions.json' file in the folder on exit from Syntə. To go back to ephemeral functions (useful for experimentation) type : foff.
You may overwrite functions by typing in the same name.
N.B. No signals are exported from inside functions except tempo, pitch, and grid`.
The ability to make functions like this makes the language extensible, which means you are able to extend the language beyond what is written in this document. One of the project aims is to build up a library of abstractions in this way to make performance easier for beginners. However there is a limit to this, as just typing 'music' and stopping there would be quite boring!
An abstraction means wrapping up a bit of code into something simple to make it easier to use, for example the term 'global apartheid' is an abstraction of a system and history that involves many many processes, interconnections, organisations, trade-misinvoicing etc.

info.go and listing.go

info.go is intended to run alongside Syntə to display useful information and error messages. The layout is as follows:

Syntə info *press enter to quit*                0s      <-- elapsed running time in seconds. Also, a yellow dot indicates a sync event

                                    Load: 0.00          <-- If the sound engine is overloaded, the sound quality will degrade

                                                        <-- info and error messages will appear here

																		(the top line of the audio meter will flicker red if clipping occurs internally)
        0.00    |||||||             |                   <-- peak audio meter, approx 50dB of range, will display 'GR' if limiting takes place on the output.
      Mouse-X: 0				Mouse-Y: 0              <-- value of mouse X and Y

Info display won't display the same message sent more than once in succession.
listing.go displays the currently running necklaces. Any that are muted will show in italics. In verbose mode the functions within a listing are 'unrolled', that is to say they are shown in terms of their atomic operations.

Hot tips

  • use slew 150hz or lpf 150hz to smoothen a signal used for modulating volume with mul
  • trim samples of music to be an exact number of bars (look for repetition in the waveform of around ~2 seconds)
  • use the "!" type to use a number outside of the expected range if you need to. This is not a factorial operation
  • had a moment of inspiration and can't remember what you did? All listings accepted by the sound engine are saved by timestamp to the recordings folder in json format
  • pipe the output of functions.go through less using the -r flag, like this: go run functions.go | less -r. You can then search the contents using /, refer to man less
  • want to fade in a listing? Use in 10s, once, level n, in 0, .mute n where n is the index of the particular listing (that has previously been muted)
  • want a long fade out on exit? Type fade 30s before you type : exit
  • want to purge the .temp folder of old listings? Type rm -v .temp/*.syt from inside the project directory
  • reset the phase of the sino function by adding push, dirac, flip, out ^'z, pop after the pulse you want to sync to
  • unsure which value/number to use? type mousex or mousey and experiment. Once you have settled on something that you can edit the relevant file in the .temp/ directory and replace the mouse value with a number directly
  • other tips tba... ◊

Performing with Syntə

To prepare the audio system:

  1. Set up the equipment and verify sound from Syntə is reaching the speakers using in 440hz, osc, sine, mul 0.1, out dac
  2. Turn the system volume down to zero
  3. Type test 2khz
  4. Increase volume until an acceptable level

You will probably need to go above this level for performance once you have an audience in the room and are playing full range sounds, but this gives a good starting point that you probably don't want to go too far over. Please ensure the audience has access to hearing protection if the system is capable of more than 85dBSPL. To specifically test the bass level and evenness try:

in 10s
mul 4
base 2
mul 20hz
out dac

If the bass level fluctuates a lot at different frequencies and at different listing positions you should consider some using some bass trapping. This is because sound reflections between the walls will interfere and cancel out at low frequencies.

Editing running listings

All currently running listings can be found in the .temp/ folder in the root directory (main project folder). The name of the file will be the index (a non-negative integer) with the file extension .syt, eg. 0.syt , this file can be opened in any text editor. Once you have saved your edits the listing will be reloaded automatically on saving. It is best to do this with nothing typed in main Syntə input, as reload will be appended to current input and partially entered operations will cause confusion for the next line input once reload complete.
A TUI library or headless mode may replace this feature in future. No files are purged from .temp/ on exit, so will remain indefinitely until overwritten one-by-one when each new listing is launched. ◊

Exported signals

Up to 12 signals may be exported for input to other listings. Indicate this by capitalising the initial letter, eg. out Env1. This can then be used like any other signal, in the same manner as tempo, pitch and grid. These exported signals are daisy-chained in the same manner, so will propagate between listings in ascending order. This means that the signal will correspond to the preceding out in another listing.

The Sound Engine

Although it is not necessary to know how the sound engine works to perform or play with Syntə, it can be helpful to learn more about it so we'll give a brief outline here.
When a listing is send to the sound engine an internal copy is generated and added to the sequence of listings. The sound engine takes each listing in turn from 0 onwards and runs through it once to produce the value of the next sample, then it moves on to the next listing. Once it has computed all the listings the resulting samples are summed together and sent through the built-in limiter to ensure no loud surprises and the peak amplitude of the output is also sent to the info display. The resulting signal is converted to the correct format and sent to the soundcard in your computer, after which the whole process repeats.
The terms 'listing' and 'necklace' are interchangeable. Necklace also illustrates the point that the listing is computed in a continuous loop.
All values in the sound engine are represented by 64-bit floating point numbers which represent a nominal value within Syntə of between -1 and 1 inclusive. At the end of each cycle of the sound engine this is converted to a 32, 24 or 16 bit number to be sent to the soundcard, depending on the format it accepts. Within a listing a value can be anywhere in the range of the 64-bit float (approx ±1.8x10^308 with an precision of about 15 decimal places.) These numbers will be limited or clipped to ±1 before audio conversion.
The samples from each listing will progressively clip above +18db ◊ by design to prevent obliteration of other listings under limiting, they are then added together and when there are more than four listings the sum is divided by the number of listings for unity gain. For less than 5 listings the sum is always divided by approximately four, there is in fact a smooth transition between these two states. The result is then passed through a high-pass filter before the limiter. This is to remove any DC offsets, which means a consistent average signal other than 0, or another way to think of it is attenuating (reducing) frequencies below 4.6Hz. If my calculations are correct, any DC signal will fade below -33db after seven seconds. DC signals can still be passed between listings using from, all or Exported signals.
The limiter reduces the level of audio above a peak value of 1 to avoid the possibility of clipping the main output, which would produce distortion. The detection algorithm of the limiter is progressively more sensitive to higher frequencies, it expects audio to have a spectrum approximately equivalent to 'pink noise'.
The density distribution of pink noise is a good general approximation to expected frequency levels in audio (Barrow, 1995). The mix function also uses this as a guiding principle in setting a sensible level. Some adjustment may be required; however, the limiter will always kick in if internal levels are exceeded.
Because of the frequency dependent nature of the limiter detection, gain reduction may occur before the info display shows a high VU level. This is normal and you can adjust listings via the level operator to prevent higher frequencies from dominating the playback.
Between the limiter and the clipping stage before conversion, what is known as triangular dither is applied to the signal. This is a tiny amount of noise to mask rounding errors, but is probably overkill. Before the dither any envelopes associated with pausing or exiting are applied. These reduce the chances of pops or clicks.
The whole main loop of the sound engine has a timer to produce the 'load' value that shows how much work it is doing to create each sample for the soundcard. See info display section above. If enough listings are added and the sound engine is unable to perform all calculations in time before the next sample is due, the sound quality and pitch accuracy will degrade. In future if type conversions are added back in as part of making the language strongly typed, the sample rate will be able to dynamically adjust to avoid overloading. The sound engine will also restart if a runtime or other error occurs and in this case will remove the previously added listing, as this is most likely to have caused the error. The listing will still be available in the .temp/ directory to be amended and reloaded as desired.

Synthesis and levels

The design of Syntə has from inception included sufficient control of sound levels as a core aim. The open possibilities of Syntə are deliberately constrained in two main ways. A limiter is built-in to the sound engine, which controls levels on a frequency dependent basis. Also, listings can use the mix function to set a reasonable level based on simple heuristics that follow a similar principle to the limiter. The upper limit of potential hearing damage is defined by the capabilities of your sound playback system - the amplifier(s) and speakers; however, we have applied our best efforts to ensure loud frequencies do not leave Syntə. More details in the Sound Engine section above.

A note on the Go code

The code in this suite of programs differs from typical industry standards in a few key respects. Each program is contained in one file to make it easy for a beginner to read through the whole thing. The code isn't very encapsulated, and global variables are used for convenience. go modules aren't used, as only dependencies are from standard library and can keep directory structure flat. No tests have been written for any of the functions ◊, however the programs themselves have been rigorously tested with user input. Telemetry from the sound engine is just shoved out without regard to whether it is properly received, sacrificing programmatic correctness for speed, which is a worthwhile tradeoff in this context (as used in telemetry library prometheus).
While there may be a few ways the code can be better structured, for now it has been thoroughly determined to perform the desired functions without runtime errors. The possibility of runtime errors in the sound engine generated by user input is handled by panic/recover to gracefully shutdown and restart without the preceding listing. That is not to say any errors won't be uncovered in future, this is software after all :)
Please add a github issue for bug reports or feature requests.

A note on licensing

The work in this file and all others in this repository is now licensed. See the file for details.


  • Running the software in person (not via a network) for the purposes of performance or education won't lead to any negative consequences.

  • Using, modifying, or distributing the software in binary or source code form for commercial purposes is not permitted.

This semi-permissive licence has been chosen to reflect the fact that this implementation is a prototype only and has no commercial value.
Suggestions, including improvements to the code are welcome.
If you would like to fork the code for more radical changes then we wholeheartedly suggest you instead write a unique live coding platform from scratch. The file is of an order of only three thousand lines of code after all, and the learning experience will be invaluable to you.
Please get in touch if you have further questions.

Influences and other live-coding environments

The term live-coding is generally taken to mean on-the-fly composition of algorithmically generated audio or graphical artefacts using software.
We recommend exploring TidalCycles and Pure Data in particular. If you are more visual/graphical oriented there are live coding languages/environments for that space too.
Many influences and inspirations have been drawn upon either deliberately or subconsciously in the creation of Syntə. They include assembly language, Forth, RPN calculators, VIM, the live-coding languages mentioned above, modular synthesis, Musique Concrète, Go itself (the language Syntə is implemented in) and unix-like systems in general - primarily FreeBSD which was the first OS to host Syntə, both for development and execution.

Future possibilities for Syntə

The main focus of development is building up a library of functions which provide useful and intuitive abstractions to speed up and simplify performing.
It would be great if translations of this document and the language itself become available in future, get in touch if you can help with this. A live distro with Syntə included could be useful for users of other operating systems to boot from. Another possibility for the code is integration with a terminal library such as tcell or bubbletea for a slicker UI. Future additions include providing for audio and MIDI input and use of other sound drivers than OSS/ALSA. A browser-based interface is another option, which would make the program extremely portable. This could be as simple as redirecting stdout to a local websocket server. You may consider the current implementation of Syntə to be a prototype. At present most of the basic features have been taken care of, and as the language is tried out by different people, changes and adjustments that will tidy up and make performing easier may become apparent. The core aims of fun and accessibility won't change.

General principles of live coding performance

These are, as the author understands it (opinions may differ):

  • Display your code to the audience

  • Prefer fresh code over copy-pasta

  • Improvisation and exploration are key

  • An accessible and welcoming space is essential

  • Share and mentor where possible

  • Mistakes and errors are embraced and honoured

To do: (for this document)

how to modulate pitch and volume, including ratios and exponents
feedback and what it means
delay and reverb
mouse control
tempo and pitch
euclidian rhythms using grid
fractal synthesis (not implemented yet)
mute and solo

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Public repository for the Syntə live-coding language







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