- SysML tools too complicated (especially for n00bs, or people who don't intend to major in the topic)
- Data representation is not "free" and not easily editable/usable without heavyweight tools
- SysML data, as it stands, cannot be hand-edited on a far-away island with nothing more than vim
- todo.txt amazing example of how you can build useful tools around very simple data representation and simple set of rules
- SysML concepts represented in a text-based format (Markdown)
- Inspired by todo.txt concept
- Ubiquitous access to creation, editing, visualizing, and otherwise working with SysmL diagrams and concepts
- Access from mobile devices (javascript/html only required)
- one possible form similar to tiddlywiki, with a single file
- sysml editor (text and graphics)
- codemirror and epicdeditor
- asciiflow, something like ditaa
- presentation editor a la rvl.io
- instance editor a la handsontable
- sysml editor (text and graphics)
- one possible form similar to tiddlywiki, with a single file
- Access from any text editor (vim, nano, Emacs, Notepad++, ...)
- Should be able to work from anywhere...
- expose the "good parts" of downstream sysml
- par, stm and act execution
- http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax
- http://www.omgsysml.org/
- http://github.github.com/github-flavored-markdown/
- http://opensourceecology.org/wiki/Global_Village_Construction_Set - Important guiding principles
- Open Source
- Low-Cost
- Modular
- User-Serviceable
- Closed Loop Manufacturing
- High Performance
- Flexible Fabrication
- Distributive Economics
- Industrial Efficiency