ProShop ecommerce website built with MERN & Redux Toolkit
JavaScript library to make drawing animation on SVG
React Three Fiber, Threejs, Nextjs starter
Minimal snippets for modern CSS layouts and components
Bionic ReadingTool - is fully open-source, making it accessible to everyone. Convert Text into Better Way to Read Faster. ReadingTool can significantly increase reading speed by up to 30%.
Vuestic Admin is an open-source, ready-to-use admin template suite designed for rapid development, easy maintenance, and high accessibility. Built on Vuestic UI, Vue 3, Vite, Pinia, and Tailwind CS…
A powerful javascript library to create amazing and smooth effects for the mouse cursor on your website.
A collection of demo variations, ideas, concepts & experiments.
Performant plane reflections in three.js r139
🎉 A curated list of awesome things related to Vue.js
Github Action to format fenced code blocks in github issues as images. Originally created as part of DEV Github Actions hackathon:…
Collection of cheat sheets(HTML, CSS, JS, Git, Gulp, etc.,) for your frontend development needs & reference
⚡️ Front End interview preparation materials for busy engineers
My solutions for CODEWARS: A collection of TDD katas (simple programs) written in JavaScript, Python, and more to learn and have fun!
A comprehensive list of new ES features, including ES2015 (ES6), ES2016, ES2017, ES2018, ES2019
🛍 A JAMstack Ecommerce Site built with Nuxt and Netlify Functions
Shopping cart built with MERN & Redux
Delaunay triangulation + Lambertian reflectance