Recieve status data from your RaspberryPi via a Telegram Bot.
Create a new bot via the @BotFather on Telegram and copy the token.
Clone this repository onto your RaspberryPi.
In this folder, create a file named "token.txt" and paste your bot token into it.
You also have to open your terminal and install:
pip install gpiozero
and pip install python-telegram-bot==12.8
(Using version 12.8 is important. In the future i might be updating the script to use version 20+.)
Now run the
I used a virtual python environment to run the script.
To set this up use following commands:
python3 -m venv /home/pi/pi-status-bot/venv
To navigate into the virtual envirenment use:
source /home/pi/pi-status-bot/venv/bin/activate
Now install to needed packages into the venv:
pip install gpiozero
and pip install python-telegram-bot==12.8
Let's create the system serive using following command:
sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/raspicontrol.service
In there paste the following:
ExecStart=/home/pi/pi-status-bot/venv/bin/python /home/pi/pi-status-bot/
This ensures that the service runs in the virtual environment and runs after the system fully started up.
Exit nano with CTRL + X
and save with Y
followed by ENTER
Now you can enable the service:
sudo systemctl enable raspicontrol.service
And start it:
sudo systemctl start raspicontrol.service
You can check the status of the service by using:
sudo systemctl status raspicontrol.service