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TypeScript NAPI Interop for Confusable Matcher

This library exports a wrapper class bundled with TypeScript declarations that allows you to use the C++ ConfusableMatcher inside your JavaScript (NodeJS/CommonJS) applications.

1. Installation

To install this module, CMake v3.0 or higher must be present on the system.

yarn add confusablematcher-js-interop

2. Usage

The example below shows explicit typings which are not necessary, and can be inferred, but highlights the types you may wish to use in your application.

import type { IIndexOfOptions, IResult, Mapping, StrPosPointer } from 'confusablematcher-js-interop';
import { ConfusableMatcher, EReturnStatus } from 'confusablematcher-js-interop';

const map: Mapping[] = [['Z', 'Ž']];
const skips: string[] = [' ', '_', '-'];
const cm = new ConfusableMatcher(map, skips, true);

const input =
    'Žebras are a short, stocky animal that is generally about 8 feet long and stands between 4 and 5 feet at the shoulder.';
const needle = 'Zebras';

let strPosPtrs: StrPosPointer | undefined = cm.computeStringPosPointers(needle);

const options: Partial<IIndexOfOptions> = {
    matchOnWordBoundary: true,
    matchRepeating: true,
    needlePosPointers: strPosPtrs,
    startFromEnd: false,
    startIndex: 0,
    timeoutNs: 1e6, // 1 ms
const result: IResult = cm.indexOfSync(input, needle, options);

strPosPtrs = undefined;
delete options.needlePosPointers;

const status: EReturnStatus = result.status;
console.table({ ...result, status: EReturnStatus[status] });

It is important to realise the distinction between the synchronous and asynchronous methods.

Async methods are considerably slower than the sync versions, however they are non-blocking by utilizing the NodeJS thread pool.

The thread pool size can be changed by setting the UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE environment variable. One thread per physical CPU core is recommended, and the default is four.

Keep in mind more threads is more context switches, setting a higher thread count that core count will not give you insane performance - you will have to tune your application for it's runtime environment.

2.1. new ConfusableMatcher()

 * @param maps An array of [Key, Value] tuples. A key is the character to look for, a value is the resulting map.
 * @param skips An iterable of characters to skip.
 * @param addDefaultValues Whether to add ASCII characters and spaces to the map.
new ConfusableMatcher(maps: Mapping[] = [], skips: Iterable<string> = [], addDefaultValues = true)

2.1.1. addMapping(key, value): void

 * @description Adds a single map.
 * @param key The value to look for.
 * @param value The replacement value.
addMapping(key: string, value: string): void

2.1.2. addMappings(mappings): void

 * @description Adds multiples maps.
 * @param mappings An array of [Key, Value] tuples. A key is the character to look for, a value is the resulting map.
addMappings(mappings: Iterable<Mapping>): void

2.1.3. removeMapping(key, value): void

 * @description Removes a single map.
 * @param key The value to look for.
 * @param value The replacement value.
removeMapping(key: string, value: string): void

2.1.4. removeMappings(mappings): void

 * @description Removes multiples maps.
 * @param mappings An array of [Key, Value] tuples. A key is the character to look for, a value is the resulting map.
removeMappings(mappings: Mapping[]): void

2.1.5. getMappings(): Mapping[]

 * @returns An array of maps.
getMappings(): Mapping[]

2.1.6. getKeyMappings(value): string[]

This method returns all of the mappings for a target value. For example: using the map ['Z', 'Ž'] and calling getKeyMappings('Ž') would return ['Z'].

 * @returns Map key's for a value.
getKeyMappings(value: string): string[]

2.1.7. addSkip(skip): void

 * @description Adds a single skip.
 * @param skip The value to skip.
addSkip(skip: string): void

2.1.8. addSkips(skips): void

 * @description Adds multiple skips.
 * @param skips An array of values to skip.
addSkips(skips: string[]): void

2.1.9. removeSkip(skip): void

 * @description Removes a single skip.
 * @param skip The skip value to remove.
removeSkip(skip: string): void

2.1.10. removeSkips(skips): void

 * @description Removes multiple skips.
 * @param skips An array of skip values to remove.
removeSkips(skips: string[]): void

2.1.11. getSkips(): string[]

 * @returns An array of skips.
getSkips(): string[]

2.1.12. computeStringPosPointers(needle): number

 * @description Pre-computes a needle as a tree structure internally for faster matching.
 * If this is used, manual memory cleanup through `freeStringPosPointers` is required.
 * @param needle The needle to build a tree for.
 * @returns A pointer value as int64 (number).
computeStringPosPointers(needle: string): number

2.1.13. freeStringPosPointers(pointer): void

 * @description Frees the memory used by a precomputed needle.
 * @param pointer An int64 pointer value returned from `computeStringPosPointers`.
freeStringPosPointers(pointer: number): void

2.1.14. indexOfSync(input, needle, options): IResult

 * @description Searches for the first occurrence of `needle` in `input`.
 * @param input The string to search.
 * @param needle The string to look for in `input`.
 * @param options An optional object containing options in the search.
 * @returns An object containing match information.
indexOfSync(input: string, needle: string, options?: Partial<IIndexOfOptions>): IResult

2.1.15. indexOf(input, needle, options): Promise

 * @description Searches for the first occurrence of `needle` in `input`.
 * @param input The string to search.
 * @param needle The string to look for in `input`.
 * @param options An optional object containing options in the search.
 * @returns A Promise that resolves to an object containing match information.
indexOf(input: string, needle: string, options?: Partial<IIndexOfOptions>): Promise<IResult>

2.1.16. lastIndexOfSync(input, needle, options): IResult

 * @description Searches for the last occurrence of `needle` in `input`.
 * @param input The string to search.
 * @param needle The string to look for in `input`.
 * @param options An optional object containing options in the search.
 * @returns An object containing match information.
lastIndexOfSync(input: string, needle: string, options?: Omit<Partial<IIndexOfOptions>, 'startFromEnd'>): IResult

2.1.17. lastIndexOf(input, needle, options): Promise

 * @description Searches for the last occurrence of `needle` in `input`.
 * @param input The string to search.
 * @param needle The string to look for in `input`.
 * @param options An optional object containing options in the search.
 * @returns A Promise that resolves to an object containing match information.
lastIndexOf(input: string, needle: string, options?: Omit<Partial<IIndexOfOptions>, 'startFromEnd'>): Promise<IResult>

2.1.18. containsSync(input, needle, options): boolean

 * @param input The string to search.
 * @param needle The string to look for in `input`.
 * @param options An optional object containing options in the search.
 * @returns True if the `needle` is found inside `input`.
containsSync(input: string, needle: string, options?: IIndexOfOptions): boolean

2.1.19. contains(input, needle, options?): Promise

 * @param input The string to search.
 * @param needle The string to look for in `input`.
 * @param options An optional object containing options in the search.
 * @returns A Promise that resolves to true if the `needle` is found inside `input`.
contains(input: string, needle: string, options?: IIndexOfOptions): Promise<boolean>

2.1.20. indexOfDebugFailuresSync(input, needle, options?): string[]

 * @description Searches for the first occurrence of `needle` in `input` with debugging enabled.
 * @param input The string to search.
 * @param needle The string to look for in `input`.
 * @param options An optional object containing options in the search.
 * @returns An array of strings containing failure debugging reasons.
indexOfDebugFailuresSync(input: string, needle: string, options?: Partial<IIndexOfOptions>): string[]

2.1.21. indexOfDebugFailures(input, needle, options?): Promise<string[]>

 * @description Searches for the first occurrence of `needle` in `input` with debugging enabled.
 * @param input The string to search.
 * @param needle The string to look for in `input`.
 * @param options An optional object containing options in the search.
 * @returns An array of strings containing failure debugging reasons.
indexOfDebugFailures(input: string, needle: string, options?: Partial<IIndexOfOptions>): Promise<string[]>

2.1.22. indexOfDebugFailuresExSync(input, needle, options?): IDebugFailureResult

 * @description Searches for the first occurrence of `needle` in `input` with debugging enabled.
 * @param input The string to search.
 * @param needle The string to look for in `input`.
 * @param options An optional object containing options in the search.
 * @returns An object containing match information.
indexOfDebugFailuresExSync(input: string, needle: string, options?: Partial<IIndexOfOptions>): IDebugFailureResult

2.1.23. indexOfDebugFailuresEx(input, needle, options?): Promise

 * @description Searches for the first occurrence of `needle` in `input` with debugging enabled.
 * @param input The string to search.
 * @param needle The string to look for in `input`.
 * @param options An optional object containing options in the search.
 * @returns A Promise that resolves to an object containing match information.
indexOfDebugFailuresEx(input: string, needle: string, options?: Partial<IIndexOfOptions>): Promise<IDebugFailureResult>

3. Development

If you wish to develop this module, you can clone your own fork then execute the following commands to get setup:

# Download submodules
git submodule update --init --recursive --force --remote

# Install dependencies

If you want to build C++, run yarn build:cpp.

If you want to build TypeScript, run yarn build:ts.

You can additionally run yarn clean to clean the build output for both languages.

3.1. Testing

Once you have the development environment setup, you can run yarn test to run the test suite.

If you would like to generate coverage, you can run yarn test:coverage.

If you want to watch the test files and re-run them on code changes, you can run yarn test:watch

If writing tests, please replicate the tests in the ConfusableMatcher source code.

3.2. Benchmarks

You can run a benchmark by following the development steps, then running yarn benchmark.

You can enable performance debugging with benchmark flags the following benchmark flags:

Flag Description
-l --loop Prints the time elapsed in milliseconds between event loop ticks.
-m --microtasks Prints the duration it took for a promise to resolve.

The command yarn benchmark:debug will run the benchmark with all flags enabled.

Please PR your reported time and hardware.

Processor Memory Version #indexOf() Performance #indexOfSync() Performance
AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core DDR4-3200MHz CL16-18-18-38 1.35V 64GB (4x16GB) 4.8.0 10,603 ops/sec ±1.04% (87 runs sampled) 146,163 ops/sec ±0.15% (97 runs sampled)
AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core DDR4-3200MHz CL16-18-18-38 1.35V 64GB (4x16GB) 4.7.1 15,639 ops/sec ±0.65% (83 runs sampled) 246,712 ops/sec ±0.35% (96 runs sampled)
AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core DDR4-3200MHz CL16-18-18-38 1.35V 64GB (4x16GB) 4.7.0 15,134 ops/sec ±0.84% (83 runs sampled) 244,674 ops/sec ±0.41% (96 runs sampled)
AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core DDR4-3200MHz CL16-18-18-38 1.35V 64GB (4x16GB) 4.6.0 16,084 ops/sec ±1.83% (78 runs sampled) 237,149 ops/sec ±0.42% (93 runs sampled)
AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core DDR4-3200MHz CL16-18-18-38 1.35V 64GB (4x16GB) 4.5.0 14,664 ops/sec ±0.78% (87 runs sampled) 239,525 ops/sec ±0.47% (96 runs sampled)
AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core DDR4-3200MHz CL16-18-18-38 1.35V 64GB (4x16GB) 4.4.0 14,686 ops/sec ±0.77% (85 runs sampled) 240,802 ops/sec ±0.62% (95 runs sampled)
AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core DDR4-3200MHz CL16-18-18-38 1.35V 64GB (4x16GB) 4.3.0 14,794 ops/sec ±0.70% (85 runs sampled) 240,648 ops/sec ±0.36% (94 runs sampled)
AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core DDR4-3200MHz CL16-18-18-38 1.35V 64GB (4x16GB) 4.0.0 15,312 ops/sec ±1.11% (81 runs sampled) 248,335 ops/sec ±0.48% (93 runs sampled)
AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core DDR4-3200MHz CL16-18-18-38 1.35V 64GB (4x16GB) 3.2.0 15,944 ops/sec ±1.17% (79 runs sampled) 251,881 ops/sec ±1.77% (93 runs sampled)
AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core DDR4-3200MHz CL16-18-18-38 1.35V 64GB (4x16GB) 3.1.0 14,659 ops/sec ±1.33% (81 runs sampled) 249,710 ops/sec ±0.38% (97 runs sampled)
AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core DDR4-3200MHz CL16-18-18-38 1.35V 64GB (4x16GB) 3.0.0 16,133 ops/sec ±0.90% (81 runs sampled) 264,466 ops/sec ±0.32% (95 runs sampled)
AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core DDR4-3200MHz CL16-18-18-38 1.35V 64GB (4x16GB) 2.2.0 265,129 ops/sec ±1.02% (95 runs sampled)
AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core DDR4-3200MHz CL16-18-18-38 1.35V 64GB (4x16GB) 2.1.0 254,060 ops/sec ±0.75% (92 runs sampled)
AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core DDR4-3200MHz CL16-18-18-38 1.35V 64GB (4x16GB) 2.0.1 316,975 ops/sec ±0.30% (90 runs sampled)
AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core DDR4-3200MHz CL16-18-18-38 1.35V 16GB (2x8GB) 2.0.1 307,821 ops/sec ±1.59% (89 runs sampled)
Intel i5-8300H 4-Core DDR4-2666MHz CL23-19-19-43 1.20V 08GB (1x8GB) 2.0.1 328,581 ops/sec ±1.56% (90 runs sampled)
AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core DDR4-3200MHz CL16-18-18-38 1.35V 64GB (4x16GB) 2.0.0 137,296 ops/sec ±0.42% (90 runs sampled)
AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core DDR4-3200MHz CL16-18-18-38 1.35V 16GB (2x8GB) 2.0.0 126,622 ops/sec ±1.07% (88 runs sampled)
Intel i5-8300H 4-Core DDR4-2666MHz CL23-19-19-43 1.20V 08GB (1x8GB) 2.0.0 125,028 ops/sec ±3.93% (87 runs sampled)