This project is based in the language C and it make uses of:
- Threads.
- Semaphores
- Condition variables
- Shared memory
- Processes
- Pipes
This Project is meant to work on Linux 19.04
Based on the San Francisco's Airport in real life, a Simation Manager runs a system where flights are controled by a Control Tower. Each flight can be declined, received, or be holded. There is also support for emergency flights.
- The Simulation Manager starts the program.
In the simulation Manager:
- Commands are read from an input Pipe, and proceed to be parsed, meaning they can be accepted or denied.
- Accepted commmands are moved to a linked list where they wait to be scheduled.
- A Thread using conditional Timed wait schedules the flights, aka creates threads, to start in the correct time delta.
- After a flight is created:
- Sends a message using a mssage queue to the control Tower waiting for an available slot.
- Control Tower:
- Receives and Responds to incoming messages from the queue
- Schedules flights to land, hold (6th and above on the queue), or sends them wait (either in case of no fuel or if the airport is full). Supports Emergency flights.
- Upon a flight as landed, its respective thread is released.\
- On SIGUSR1 the program prints runtime stats to stdout.
- On SIGINT the program closes the pipe, waits for all flights allready instanciated to leave and then clean resources and leaves.
To compile and run there it is included a makefile There is also an included tester bash script that will input multiple commands into the program (written using the sh shell);
- Signals (like SIGBUS/ SIGALARM) were not treated not to disrupt the program and, if used, will kill the program
Alongside this ReadME this project includes:
Main.c and Main.h
- Contains our Simualtion Manager, it creates every resource needed and then handles reading from the pipe and creates flights in the current eta
ControlTower.c and ControlTower.h
- The control tower is a secondary process that control what flights do, they can either land/depart, hold, be rejected or redirected
Parser.c and Parser.h
- Function that handles parsing the commands from the pipe and returning a system readable struct
Structures.c and Structures.h
- Backend file that handles some structures required for the program
- File that contains a number of required variables necessary to the program
- Simples script that automatically inputs commands to the pipe
- File that generates the executable