This project is an attempt to make a Maven package.
No. The list of steps is too long.
2024-02-17 Update: I managed to do it. It was a huge pain in the butt, but it is possible.
No. It won't let you use your proper groupId
and artifactId
or version
It derives those itself using your GitHub username, project name, and tag.
Which arguably is a simpler way to do things, but maybe you don't want to
couple the name of your project to where it happens to be hosted.
v0.0.5, 7b59b85cf2e81a42d47d14c72ada334f9b07942c
, works, and appears to have gnerated
a package (which I still need to test that I can auto-download it),
though GitHub complained about the hello world workflow having 'No event triggers defined in on
Next commit, cefd7407c4b72704230560fda75764b6e57d996e
it still complained about that, when I left out the on:
line entirely.
Docs indicate complex rules for 'on'
Firs commit of 0.0.6-SNAPSHOT, 622f91323643316ba78dffeeddd0765561905cd9
I said on: workflow_dispatch
(as per
This seems to have prevented either workflow from automatically running.
Also note that when I pushed tag 0.0.5
, before that change,
the build failed because that package had already been built.
I think this is fine. Just be careful not to have the same <version>
appear in multiple commits, and have the tag match it, for clarity.
I manually (through the GitHub web UI) kicked off the learn-github-actions
workflow, and it succeeded.
This seems to indicate that on: workflow_dispatch
works as a way to have
a workflow that can be triggered, but does not happen automatically.
In the future maybe I can figure a way to have it run when tags of the form /\d+\.\d+\.\d+/
are pushed.
[2023-10-17]: I got v0.0.6-take2
to automatically build with the following on
- 'v[0-9]+.[0-9]+'
- 'v[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+'
- 'v[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+-*'
...or workflow or whatever
(DONE; M4909T-148)
Findings: the existence of a .yml file in .github/workflows indicating
the condition under which to run the workflow (on: [push]
makes it run the jobs
listed in that same file.
There are 'workflows', and 'workflow runs'. Each time you run a workflow is a 'workflow run', I suppose.
gives the name of the workflow,
while run-name
is an expression that is evaluated to produce the name of each run.
By 'expression' I mean that it can contain variable references like ${{ }}
Currently I know not at what stage of processing
(before the YAML is parsed? On a per-field basis when the value is needed?)
those expressions are evaluated, nor what can go in them.
Workflow syntax documentation
says that "this value can include expressions" (referring to run-name
"and can reference the github
and inputs
Which hints that each field has its own rules for whether
those expressions are evaluated at all, and what they may contain.
(DONE; M4909T-257)
There are a lot of steps.
- Create account on
- Verify domain by adding a TXT record to
- Generate a GPG key on my laptop
- Configure Maven to call GPG to sign keys
- Yet more
s required - But miraculously it does seem to work, and
mvn deploy
, while it didn't manage to actually deploy, did get as far as getting GPG to prompt me for my passphrase mvn verify
might get to the just-about-to-depoloy point
- Yet more
- Determine that
mvn deploy
doesn't work, since it's apparently trying to use some old system involving Jira usernames and passwords, which I don't have. - Upload a zip to and see that it got rejected. At least it lists a bunch of reasons why. No .sha1s / .md5s. Why doesn't the dumb Maven plugin generate those, huh?
- Generate some sha1s and md5s myself
- I wrote a small Ruby script to help.
- Add some extra metadata to pom.xml
- A few more attempts at zip files to get the folder structure right
gpg --gen-key
Pick a name and password, etc.
Assuming you only have one GPG key in your...local keystore...thing
(Lord help you if you have more than one because I don't know
how to configure mvn
/whatever to choose one)
you should be able to mvn verify
with the result that
there are .asc
files under target/
corresponding to each
JAR file that was put there from an earlier step.
Relevant section of pom.xml (within project > build > plugins):
File path 'net/nuke24/tscript34/p0012' is not valid for file 'tscript34-p0012-lib01-0.0.8-javadoc.jar'
Repeat for all the files. Does it not want that folder structure? Oh, or maybe it's because I forgot the version number level.
Developers information is missing Project URL is not defined Project description is missing SCM URL is not defined
I added an additional level of directory named "0.0.8".
zip -r net
from within target/
(under which I have a net/...
, which contains the jar
, pom
, md5
, sha1
and asc
files just for this one version) seems to do the job.
File path 'net/nuke24/tscript34/p0012/0.0.8' is not valid for file 'tscript34-p0012-lib01-0.0.8-javadoc.jar'
So it still doesn't like my directory structure.
I had tried to fill in some metadata in pom.xml, and Sonatype seems to have fewer complaints.
1 out of 2 Components Validated
Still doesn't like my paths.
I realize now that the artifact name should be in there, too.
, etc.
Deployment ID bf4e33ae-2ec4-40d3-a5f8-6ea4ee84ef64
Still pending.
Well that's different, anyway.
Time for bed. Check again tomorrow.
(a few minutes later)
Ooh, it's now 'verified', and I can 'publish'! So I clicked that.
Now it's taking its time publishing.
[2024-02-17T09]: It is published!
Can we require the new version from app01 and have it download the thing and all work out?
mvn test
Downloading from central:
Downloaded from central: (4.0 kB at 5.7 kB/s)
Downloading from central:
Downloaded from central: (3.7 kB at 29 kB/s)
Tool | Task |
TBD | Generate POM.xml |
maven-compiler-plugin | compile Java |
maven-compiler-plugin? | create regular JAR file |
maven-source-plugin | create sources.jar |
maven-javadoc-plugin | create javadoc.jar |
maven-gpg-plugin | create .asc files |
P0018.Packager | generate hash files |
P0018.Packager | create zip |
mvn clean verify
saves its results as "target/" + artifact name + "-" + version + extension
e.g. tscript34-p0012-lib01-0.0.10-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar.asc
Steps for remaining tasks:
- Derive group ID, artifact ID, version from pom.xml
- Based on those and knowledge of where Maven stores its results, generate a list of files, including hashes, to be zipped
- From that list, create a zip file
Deployment ID: edbd806d-0da3-4b85-8fac-ed3989cb1882
It validated and is now 'publishing', so I guess it worked!
I suppose the next thing to do is to make the packager into a self-contained tool so I can use it on other projects.
Can we do without the <distributionManagement>
part of the pom.xml?
Also building on another computer, which means I have a different signing key.
When I attempt to publish, it says
Invalid signature for file: tscript34-p0012-lib01- Invalid signature for file: tscript34-p0012-lib01- Invalid signature for file: tscript34-p0012-lib01- Invalid signature for file: tscript34-p0012-lib01-
Which is all of them.
Is this because I used a different signature than before, or because I haven't distributed this key?
So I did a
gpg --keyserver --send-key BA43B4AA4A1D82285A68860E1796BC8141D3529A
And uploaded again.
Still didn't work.
GPG says the signatures are valid.
What if I use a new key with a different e-mail address?
gpg --gen-key
With e-mail address [email protected]
generating C170189784A1B914EB4B3595A897357685CFB31E
gpg --keyserver --send-key C170189784A1B914EB4B3595A897357685CFB31E
mvn -Dgpg.keyname=C170189784A1B914EB4B3595A897357685CFB31E verify
And attempt to publish that.
Pending...Validating...Failed. It still doesn't like my signatures!
Signed with good old 8B9E6793B42A6ED7A4382423565A5EBB1DDED0FE
So it still seems it didn't like my alternate signing keys. Whether that's just because they're not the first one I signed with or because I failed to do some other step, like upload to all 3 of the key servers mentioned (,, I'm still not 100% sure.
What are you supposed to do if you lose access to your original signing key? GPG doesn't make it easy to back them up!
Anyway, we can apparently do without <distributionManagement>
curl --request POST --verbose --header "Authorization: Bearer ${auth_base64}" --form bundle=@target/
Server says 201 Created
. shows a new deployment has been created, with the same name as the file ("").
So that worked. I suppose there's another API endpoint that I could use to actually publish. (See the docs.)