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Here’s a comprehensive file for your project. It includes an overview, setup instructions, usage examples, and details about the gRPC service and protobuf definitions.

Go Authentication Service

This project provides a gRPC-based authentication service that supports OAuth2.0, token verification, user information retrieval, and multi-factor authentication (MFA). It integrates with identity providers like Google and GitHub and uses Auth0 for authentication.

Table of Contents

  1. Features
  2. Getting Started
  3. Running the Service
  4. gRPC API Documentation
  5. Testing
  6. Code Generation
  7. Linting
  8. Contributing
  9. License


  • OAuth2.0 Integration: Supports Google and GitHub as identity providers.
  • Token Management: Generate, verify, and refresh access tokens.
  • User Information: Retrieve user details such as email, roles, and metadata.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Supports MFA status checks and challenge completion.
  • gRPC API: Provides a well-defined gRPC interface for authentication and authorization.

Getting Started


  • Go 1.20 or higher
  • Protocol Buffers (protoc)
  • Buf CLI (buf)
  • Auth0 account (for OAuth2.0 integration)


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd go-authentications
  2. Install dependencies:

    go mod download
  3. Install development tools:

    make tools


Create a .env file in the root directory with the following environment variables:


Running the Service

  1. Build the application:

    make build
  2. Run the service:

    make run
  3. The service will start on the specified port (SERVER_PORT). You can interact with it using a gRPC client.

gRPC API Documentation

The service provides the following gRPC methods:


  • GenerateAuthorizationURL: Generates an OAuth2.0 authorization URL.
  • ExchangeAuthorizationCode: Exchanges an authorization code for tokens.
  • VerifyToken: Validates an access token.
  • RefreshToken: Obtains a new access token using a refresh token.
  • GetUserInfo: Retrieves authenticated user information.
  • GetMFAStatus: Retrieves the current MFA configuration and status.
  • CompleteMFAChallenge: Verifies an MFA challenge and returns a new token.

For detailed request and response structures, refer to the protobuf definitions.


Running Tests

  1. Run all tests:

    make test
  2. Run unit tests only:

    make test-unit
  3. Run integration tests:

    make test-integration
  4. Run tests with coverage:

    make test-coverage

Test Output

  • Verbose Output: Use make test-verbose for detailed test output.
  • JSON Output: Use make test-json to generate a JSON test report.

Code Generation

The project uses Protocol Buffers for gRPC API definitions. To generate Go code from the .proto files:

make generate

This will generate the necessary Go files in the gen/proto directory.


Run Linter

make lint

Fix Linting Issues

make lint-fix

Protobuf Definitions

The gRPC API is defined using Protocol Buffers. Below is an overview of the .proto file:

Service Definition

service AuthenticationService {
  rpc GenerateAuthorizationURL(GenerateAuthorizationURLRequest) returns (GenerateAuthorizationURLResponse);
  rpc ExchangeAuthorizationCode(ExchangeAuthorizationCodeRequest) returns (TokenResponse);
  rpc VerifyToken(VerifyTokenRequest) returns (VerifyTokenResponse);
  rpc RefreshToken(RefreshTokenRequest) returns (TokenResponse);
  rpc GetUserInfo(GetUserInfoRequest) returns (UserInfoResponse);
  rpc GetMFAStatus(GetMFAStatusRequest) returns (GetMFAStatusResponse);
  rpc CompleteMFAChallenge(CompleteMFAChallengeRequest) returns (TokenResponse);

Message Definitions

  • GenerateAuthorizationURLRequest: Request to generate an OAuth2.0 authorization URL.
  • TokenResponse: Common response format for token-related operations.
  • VerifyTokenRequest/VerifyTokenResponse: Request and response for token verification.
  • UserInfoResponse: Response containing user information.
  • MFAInfo: Structure for MFA configuration and status.

For the full .proto file, refer to proto/auth/v1/auth.proto.

This provides a comprehensive guide to setting up, running, and contributing to the project. Let me know if you need further assistance!


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