This was a CS 2340 semester-long project in Fall 2011. The project was to design and develop an Oregon Trail variant using object-oriented design patterns and other concepts learned in the class.
This project was designed and developed in a semester by 5 undergraduate team members. It was built using Slick2D. All UI components were custom written.
You can view screenshots of the game in the screenshots directory.
- Install Apache ANT
- Open Oregon-Trail directory in a console
- Run the corresponding ANT command for your OS:
- If you are running Windows, use the command: "ant run-windows" (no quotes)
- If you are running Mac OS X, use the command: "ant run-macosx" (no quotes)
- If you are running Linux, use the command: "ant run-linux" (no quotes)
- Add the following jars to the project build path (right click project -> Properties -> Java Build Path):
- lib/lwjgl-2.7.1/jar/lwjgl.jar
- lib/slick.jar
- lib/jogg-0.0.7.jar
- lib/jorbis-0.0.17.jar
- Edit native library location for lwjgl.jar to path lib/lwjgl-2.8.2/native/[YOUR_OS_HERE]
- Tanner Smith
- Ryan Ashcraft
- John Turner
- George Johnston
- Jeremy