- Mumbai, India
(UTC +05:30) - linkedin.com/in/tanya-chutani-a5436312b/
- @TanyaChutani
hover_net Public
Forked from vqdang/hover_netSimultaneous Nuclear Instance Segmentation and Classification in H&E Histology Images.
dynamic-network-architectures Public
Forked from MIC-DKFZ/dynamic-network-architectures -
Segmentation-WSI-Hover_net Public
HoVer-Net - Simultaneous Nuclear Instance Segmentation and Classification in H&E Histology Images.
transformers Public
Forked from huggingface/transformers🤗 Transformers: State-of-the-art Machine Learning for Pytorch, TensorFlow, and JAX.
Master-DSA-With-Python Public
Master DSA With Python
pix2code Public
Forked from tonybeltramelli/pix2codepix2code: Generating Code from a Graphical User Interface Screenshot
DINO_Tf2.x Public
Tensorflow code for Vision Transformers training with the Self-Supervised learning method DINO
WandB-Tensorflow2.x Public
Exploring weights and biases platform for model reproducibility
hawp Public
Forked from cherubicXN/hawpHolistically-Attracted Wireframe Parsing
Quantization_Tensorflow Public
Quantization for Object Detection in Tensorflow 2.x
LETR Public
Forked from mlpc-ucsd/LETR(CVPR 2021 Oral) LETR: Line Segment Detection Using Transformers without Edges
Focal-Transformers Public
A Tensorflow 2.x implementation of focal transformer
Gradient Accumulation with Tensorflow2.x
Monodepth2-Tf2.x Public
A Tensorflow 2.x implementation of Monodepth2. https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.01260
Image-Colorization-Tf2.x Public
A Tensorflow 2.x implementation of Pix2pix GAN.https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.07004
Weighted-Boxes-Fusion Public
Forked from ZFTurbo/Weighted-Boxes-FusionSet of methods to ensemble boxes from different object detection models, including implementation of "Weighted boxes fusion (WBF)" method.
Master-Tensorflow2.x Public
YoloV5 Public
Yolov5 on a subset of COCO dataset with only two classes.
Mixed Precision Training with XLA TF2.x
A Tensorflow2.0 implementation of Photo-Realistic Single Image Super-Resolution Using a Generative Adversarial Network
Face-Mask-Detection-Tf2.x Public
An approach to detecting face masks in crowded places built using RetinaNet Face for face mask detection and Xception network for classification.
WGAN-TF2.x Public
Tensorflow2.x implementation of Wasserstein GAN
SSD-Tensorflow2.0 Public
A Tensorflow2.0 implementation of Single Shot Detector
Neural-Network-Numpy Public
Neural Network (Multiple layers) from scratch using Numpy.