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This repo describes all STM32 MCU related GitHub projects. The open source offer for the STM32 MCU products

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STM32Cube is an STMicroelectronics original initiative to ease the developers life by reducing efforts, time and cost.

STM32Cube covers the overall STM32 products portfolio (MCU and MPU). It includes a comprehensive embedded software platform, delivered for each STM32 series.

  • The CMSIS modules (core and device) corresponding to the ARM(tm) core implemented in this STM32 product.
  • The STM32 HAL-LL drivers : an abstraction drivers layer, the API ensuring maximized portability across the STM32 portfolio.
  • The BSP Drivers of each evaluation or demonstration board provided by this STM32 series.
  • A consistent set of middlewares components such as RTOS, USB, FatFS, Graphics, TCP/IP, BLE, STM32_TouchSensing_Library...
  • A full set of software projects (basic examples, applications or demonstrations) for each board provided by this STM32 series.

GitHub is a new publication model for the STM32Cube MCU embedded software. Three models of publication are proposed:

  • The MCU Package : monolithic STM32Cube software modules, per STM32 MCU series (Drivers, Middlewares, Utilities, Examples Projects) in an unique repo. The usual name of a STM32MCU Package is STM32Cubexx, xx corresponding to the STM32 series). Please refer to the chapter STM32Cube MCU Packages below.

  • The MCU components : parts of the MCU Packages, proposed as individual repos, allowing the user to select and get only the required software functions. Please refer to the chapter STM32Cube MCU Components below.

  • The X-CUBE : Expansion softwares, propose embedded software components that complement the functionalities of the STM32Cube.

  • A set of MCU Utilities : Various Utility features proposed in dedicated repos.

Please note that a MPU offer is also proposed for the STM32 MPU Products. You can refer to the repo STM32MPU_EmbSW_Overall_Offer.


This repo is a simple Readme describing all STM32 MCU related GitHub projects, the overall offer for the STM32 MCU products.

This new publication channel of the STM32Cube embedded software components will provide new added values :

  • In complement to the MCU Package zip files today proposed on, the capability for STM32 customers to get a configuration management based delivery (Git)
  • A more direct communication between developers, thanks to the Issues features. Caution : only software related questions will be taken into account. Any other subject must be submitted to the ST Community forum
  • Thanks to the deployment of a Contributor License Agreement feature (please refer to each repo CONTRIBUTING guide), the Pull-Request permits also to take into account customers proposed updates and enrich the STM32Cube FW offer.

For general communication and support, you can use


STM32Cube MCU Packages

STM32Cube MCU Packages Description
STM32CubeF0 The STM32CubeF0 FW MCU Package
STM32CubeF1 The STM32CubeF1 FW MCU Package
STM32CubeF2 The STM32CubeF2 FW MCU Package
STM32CubeF3 The STM32CubeF3 FW MCU Package
STM32CubeF4 The STM32CubeF4 FW MCU Package
STM32CubeF7 The STM32CubeF7 FW MCU Package
STM32CubeH7 The STM32CubeH7 FW MCU Package
STM32CubeG0 The STM32CubeG0 FW MCU Package
STM32CubeG4 The STM32CubeG4 FW MCU Package
STM32CubeL0 The STM32CubeL0 FW MCU Package
STM32CubeL1 The STM32CubeL1 FW MCU Package
STM32CubeL4 The STM32CubeL4 FW MCU Package
STM32CubeL5 The STM32CubeL5 FW MCU Package
STM32CubeU5 The STM32CubeU5 FW MCU Package
STM32CubeWB The STM32CubeWB FW MCU Package
STM32CubeWL The STM32CubeWL FW MCU Package

X-CUBE Expansion softwares

The STM32Cube expansion software contains embedded software components that complement the functionalities of the STM32Cube and/or enable the usage of a multitude of ST devices in domains such as of sensing, power management, connectivity or audio, together with the most appropriate STM32 MCUs.

STM32Cube X-CUBE Description
x-cube-aws AWS IoT Expansion Package for STM32Cube.
x-cube-usb-pd USB-IF certified Expansion Package as USB Type-C port manager (TCPM).
x-cube-tcpp USB-IF certified Expansion Package for the integration of TCPPs protection circuits (OV/OC).
x-cube-azrtos-f4 Azure RTOS Expansion Package for STM32Cube, for STM32F4 series.
x-cube-azrtos-h7 Azure RTOS Expansion Package for STM32Cube, for STM32H7 series.
x-cube-azrtos-l4 Azure RTOS Expansion Package for STM32Cube, for STM32L4 series.
x-cube-subg2 Sub 1 GHz RF communication for S2-LP Expansion Package for STM32Cube.

STM32Cube MCU Components

As mentioned above, the STM32Cube Components is an alternative delivery model to the STM32 Packages. In this case, each module is delivered as individual repos, allowing the customer to select and download only the pertinent features.

  • Components available today : CMSIS - HAL/LL - Base MW (USB, FatFS, FrreRTOS, LwIP)
  • Components upcoming : Other MW - BSP - Utilities

In each module README file you will find the cross compatibility information. When all modules will be available a set of new Manifest files (series by series) will be proposed to drive the user.


STM32Cube CMSIS core Description
cmsis_core The STM32 CMSIS Core, issued from ARM (tm) publication. Please check the file.
STM32Cube CMSIS Devices Description
cmsis_device_f0 The STM32F0 CMSIS Device files
cmsis_device_f1 The STM32F1 CMSIS Device files
cmsis_device_f2 The STM32F2 CMSIS Device files
cmsis_device_f3 The STM32F3 CMSIS Device files
cmsis_device_f4 The STM32F4 CMSIS Device files
cmsis_device_f7 The STM32F7 CMSIS Device files
cmsis_device_g0 The STM32G0 CMSIS Device files
cmsis_device_g4 The STM32G4 CMSIS Device files
cmsis_device_h7 The STM32H7 CMSIS Device files
cmsis_device_l0 The STM32L0 CMSIS Device files
cmsis_device_l1 The STM32L1 CMSIS Device files
cmsis_device_l4 The STM32L4 CMSIS Device files
cmsis_device_l5 The STM32L5 CMSIS Device files
cmsis_device_u5 The STM32U5 CMSIS Device files
cmsis_device_wb The STM32WB CMSIS Device files
cmsis_device_wl The STM32WL CMSIS Device files

STM32Cube HAL Drivers

The HAL Drivers MCU Components propose the HAL and LL Drivers modules controlling all the HW IPs embedded in the STM32 products.

  • HAL Drivers:

    • A set of portable abstraction APIs offering high level services, built around standalone processes. The HAL drivers are functionalities oriented, example: for the Timer peripheral, the APIs could be split into several categories following the functions offered by the IPs (Basic timer, capture, PWM …etc.) for a communication IP: an initialisation function, eventually a configuration function and data transfer services (polling, interruption or DMA based)
    • The compatibility SHALL be guaranteed across all the STM32 families for the generic APIs, including generic macros and common structures defines. Any specific feature is given in a dedicated extension model available in the associated extension files
  • LL Drivers:

    • Low Layer Drivers: a set of basic functions with direct hardware access (no standalone process), this layer can be called either by applications or by the HAL drivers.

HAL and LL Drivers are provided in the same module/repo

The dynamic usage of HAL APIs is provided thru projects examples, available in the respective STM32Cube MCU Packages STM32Cubexx where xx correspond to the series

STM32Cube HAL Drivers Description
stm32f0xx_hal_driver The STM32F0 HAL-LL Drivers
stm32f1xx_hal_driver The STM32F1 HAL-LL Drivers
stm32f2xx_hal_driver The STM32F2 HAL-LL Drivers
stm32f3xx_hal_driver The STM32F3 HAL-LL Drivers
stm32f4xx_hal_driver The STM32F4 HAL-LL Drivers
stm32f7xx_hal_driver The STM32F7 HAL-LL Drivers
stm32g0xx_hal_driver The STM32G0 HAL-LL Drivers
stm32g4xx_hal_driver The STM32G4 HAL-LL Drivers
stm32h7xx_hal_driver The STM32H7 HAL-LL Drivers
stm32l0xx_hal_driver The STM32L0 HAL-LL Drivers
stm32l1xx_hal_driver The STM32L1 HAL-LL Drivers
stm32l4xx_hal_driver The STM32L4 HAL-LL Drivers
stm32l5xx_hal_driver The STM32L5 HAL-LL Drivers
stm32u5xx_hal_driver The STM32U5 HAL-LL Drivers
stm32wbxx_hal_driver The STM32WB HAL-LL Drivers
stm32wlxx_hal_driver The STM32WL HAL-LL Drivers

STM32Cube BSP Drivers

The BSP Drivers MCU Components propose the BSP Drivers modules, which are constituted from the:

  • STM32Cube BSP Boards Drivers, based on the HAL drivers, and providing a set of high level APIs allowing a quick access to the boards’ services (e.g., audio, graphics, access to external memories).
  • STM32Cube BSP Components Drivers providing a set of high level APIs allowing a quick access to the (e.g., audio codecs, LCD drivers, SD cards, MEMS). The link between these external components and the HAL drivers (e.g., a SD card and the OSPI/QSPI HAL driver) is done within the BSP Boards drivers.

NOTE: A number of BSP components drivers (particularly of MEMS) come in two forms, each addressing a different purpose. For each one of such BSP components drivers, two repositories are available as explained below:

  • PID: Platform-Independent Drivers. Recognizable to their repositories' names <bspcomp> (e.g., hts221). Are low-level drivers allowing direct access to components' registers. These drivers are independent of any software platform, as the acronym PID suggests. The complete list can be found here.

  • STM32: STM32Cube-compatible drivers. Recognizable to their repositories' names stm32-<bspcomp> (e.g., stm32-hts221). Are hardware-abstracted drivers, specially designed to be compatible with the STM32Cube software offer, as the stm32- prefix suggests. The complete list is provided below (refer particularly to tables MEMS and Temperature Sensor).

STM32Cube BSP Boards Drivers
Serie Repository Description
stm32f0 stm32f0xx-nucleo-32 F0 nucleo 32 BSP Drivers
stm32f0 stm32f0xx-nucleo F0 nucleo BSP Drivers
stm32f0 stm32091c-eval STM32091C_EVAL BSP Drivers
stm32f0 stm32072b-eval STM32072B_EVAL BSP Drivers
stm32f0 32f072bdiscovery 32F072BDISCOVERY BSP Drivers
stm32f0 32f0308discovery 32F0308DISCOVERY BSP Drivers
stm32f1 stm3210c-eval STM3210C_EVAL BSP Drivers
stm32f1 stm3210e-eval STM3210E_EVAL BSP Drivers
stm32f1 stm32f1xx-nucleo F1 nucleo BSP Drivers
stm32f1 stm32vldiscovery STM32VLDISCOVERY BSP Drivers
stm32f2 stm322xg-eval STM322xG_EVAL BSP Drivers
stm32f3 stm32f2xx-nucleo-144 F2 nucleo BSP Drivers
stm32f3 stm32303c-eval STM32303C_EVAL BSP Drivers
stm32f3 stm32303e-eval STM32303E_EVAL BSP Drivers
stm32f3 stm32373c-eval STM32373C_EVAL BSP Drivers
stm32f3 stm32f3discovery STM32F3-Discovery BSP Drivers
stm32f3 stm32f3xx-nucleo F3 nucleo BSP Drivers
stm32f3 stm32f3xx-nucleo-144 F3 nucleo 144 BSP Drivers
stm32f3 stm32f3xx-nucleo-32 F3 nucleo 32 BSP Drivers
stm32f3 32f3348discovery 32F3348DISCOVERY BSP Drivers
stm32f4 stm32f4xx-nucleo-144 F4 nucleo 144 BSP Drivers
stm32f4 stm32f4xx-nucleo F4 nucleo BSP Drivers
stm32f4 stm324xg-eval STM324xG_EVAL BSP Drivers
stm32f4 stm32469i-eval STM32469I_EVAL BSP Drivers
stm32f4 stm32469i-discovery STM32469I-Discovery BSP Drivers
stm32f4 stm32f429i-discovery STM32F429I-Discovery BSP Drivers
stm32f4 stm32f401-discovery STM32F401-Discovery BSP Drivers
stm32f4 stm32446e-eval STM32446E_EVAL BSP Drivers
stm32f4 stm32f411e-discovery STM32F411E-Discovery BSP Drivers
stm32f4 stm32412g-discovery STM32412G-Discovery BSP Drivers
stm32f4 stm32f413h-discovery STM32F413H-Discovery BSP Drivers
stm32f4 stm32f4-discovery STM32F4-Discovery BSP Drivers
stm32f4 stm324x9i-eval STM324x9I_EVAL BSP Drivers
stm32f7 stm32756g-eval STM32756G_EVAL BSP Drivers
stm32f7 stm32f7308-dk STM32F7308-Discovery BSP Drivers
stm32f7 stm32f7508-dk STM32F7508-Discovery BSP Drivers
stm32f7 stm32f769i-eval STM32F769I_EVAL BSP Drivers
stm32f7 stm32f7xx-nucleo-144 F7 nucleo BSP Drivers
stm32f7 32f769idiscovery 32F769IDISCOVERY BSP Drivers
stm32f7 32f723ediscovery 32F723EDISCOVERY BSP Drivers
stm32f7 32f746gdiscovery 32F746GDISCOVERY BSP Drivers
stm32g0 stm32g0316-disco STM32G0316-DISCO BSP Drivers
stm32g0 stm32g071b-discovery STM32G071B-DISCO BSP Drivers
stm32g0 stm32g081b-eval STM32G081B_EVAL BSP Drivers
stm32g0 stm32g0c1e-ev STM32G0C1E-EV BSP Drivers
stm32g0 stm32g0xx-nucleo G0 nucleo BSP Drivers
stm32g0 stm32g0xx-nucleo-32 G0 nucleo BSP Drivers
stm32g4 b-g474e-dpow1 B-G474E-DPOW1 BSP Drivers
stm32g4 stm32g474e-eval STM32G474E-EVAL BSP Drivers
stm32g4 stm32g4xx-nucleo G4 nucleo BSP Drivers
stm32h7 stm32h7b3i-dk STM32H7B3I-DK BSP Drivers
stm32h7 stm32h750b-dk STM32H750B-DK BSP Drivers
stm32h7 stm32h747i-eval STM32H747I-EVAL BSP Drivers
stm32h7 stm32h747i-disco STM32H747I-DISCO BSP Drivers
stm32h7 stm32h745i-disco STM32H745I-DISCO BSP Drivers
stm32h7 stm32h743i-eval STM32H743I-EVAL BSP Drivers
stm32h7 stm32h735g-dk STM32H735G-DK BSP Drivers
stm32h7 stm32h7b3i-eval STM32H7B3I-EVAL BSP Drivers
stm32h7 stm32h7xx-nucleo H7 nucleo BSP Drivers
stm32l0 stm32l073z-eval STM32L073Z-EVAL BSP Drivers
stm32l0 stm32l0xx-nucleo L0 nucleo BSP Drivers
stm32l0 stm32l0xx-nucleo-32 L0 nucleo 32 BSP Drivers
stm32l0 32l0538discovery 32L100CDISCOVERY BSP Drivers
stm32l1 stm32l152d-eval STM32L152D-EVAL BSP Drivers
stm32l1 stm32l1xx-nucleo L1 nucleo BSP Drivers
stm32l1 32l152cdiscovery 32L152CDISCOVERY BSP Drivers
stm32l1 32l100cdiscovery 32L100CDISCOVERY BSP Drivers
stm32l4 b-l475e-iot01a B-L475E-IOT01A BSP Drivers
stm32l4 b-l4s5i-iot01a B-L4S5I-IOT01A BSP Drivers
stm32l4 stm32l476g-eval STM32L476G-EVAL BSP Drivers
stm32l4 stm32l4p5g-dk STM32L4P5G-DK BSP Drivers
stm32l4 stm32l4r9i-eval STM32L4R9I-EVAL BSP Drivers
stm32l4 stm32l4xx-nucleo L4 nucleo BSP Drivers
stm32l4 stm32l4xx-nucleo-144 L4 nucleo 144 BSP Drivers
stm32l4 stm32l4xx-nucleo-32 L4 nucleo 32 BSP Drivers
stm32l4 32l496gdiscovery 32L496GDISCOVERY BSP Drivers
stm32l4 32l4r9idiscovery 32L4R9IDISCOVERY BSP Drivers
stm32l4 32l476gdiscovery 32L476GDISCOVERY BSP Drivers
stm32l5 stm32l562e-dk STM32L562E-DK BSP Drivers
stm32l5 stm32l552e-ev STM32L552E-EV BSP Drivers
stm32l5 stm32l5xx-nucleo L5 nucleo BSP Drivers
stm32u5 stm32u5xx-nucleo U5 nucleo BSP Drivers
stm32wb stm32wb5mm-dk STM32WB5MM-DK BSP Drivers
stm32wb nucleo-wb15cc NUCLEO-WB15CC BSP Drivers
stm32wb p-nucleo-wb55-nucleo P-NUCLEO-WB55.Nucleo BSP Drivers
stm32wb p-nucleo-wb55-usb-dongle P-NUCLEO-WB55.USBDongle BSP Drivers
stm32wl stm32wlxx-nucleo WL nucleo BSP Drivers
STM32Cube BSP Components Drivers:
STM32Cube BSP Audio Components Drivers Description
stm32-adv7533 The ADV7533 BSP Component Driver
stm32-ak4343 The AK4343 BSP Component Driver
stm32-cs42l51 The CS42L51 BSP Component Driver
stm32-cs42l52 The CS42L52 BSP Component Driver
stm32-cs43l22 The CS43L22 BSP Component Driver
stm32-wm8994 The WM8994 BSP Component Driver
STM32Cube BSP Camera Components Drivers Description
stm32-ov2640 The OV2640 BSP Component Driver
stm32-ov5640 The OV5640 BSP Component Driver
stm32-ov9655 The OV9655 BSP Component Driver
stm32-s5k5cag The S5K5CAG BSP Component Driver
STM32Cube BSP IO Expander Components Drivers Description
stm32-mfxstm32l152 The MFXSTM32L152 BSP Component Driver
stm32-stmpe1600 The STMPE1600 BSP Component Driver
stm32-stmpe811 The STMPE811 BSP Component Driver
STM32Cube BSP LCD Components Drivers Description
stm32-ampire480272 The AMPIRE480272 BSP Component Driver
stm32-ampire640480 The AMPIRE640480 BSP Component Driver
stm32-hx8347d The HX8347D BSP Component Driver
stm32-hx8347g The HX8347G BSP Component Driver
stm32-hx8347i The HX8347I BSP Component Driver
stm32-ili9320 The ILI9320 BSP Component Driver
stm32-ili9325 The ILI9325 BSP Component Driver
stm32-ili9328 The ILI9328 BSP Component Driver
stm32-ili9341 The ILI9341 BSP Component Driver
stm32-ls016b8uy The LS016B8UY BSP Component Driver
stm32-nt35510 The NT35510 BSP Component Driver
stm32-otm8009a The OTM8009A BSP Component Driver
stm32-rk043fn48h The RK043FN48H BSP Component Driver
stm32-rk070er9427 The RK070ER9427 BSP Component Driver
stm32-spfd5408 The SPFD5408 BSP Component Driver
stm32-ssd1315 The SSD1315 BSP Component Driver
stm32-st7735 The ST7735 BSP Component Driver
stm32-st7789h2 The ST7789H2 BSP Component Driver
STM32Cube BSP MEMS Components Drivers Description
stm32-hts221 The HTS221 BSP Component Driver
stm32-ism330dhcx The ISM330DHCX BSP Component Driver
stm32-ism330dlc The ISM330DLC BSP Component Driver
stm32-i3g4250d The I3G4250D BSP Component Driver
stm32-l3gd20 The L3GD20 BSP Component Driver
stm32-lan8742 The LAN8742 BSP Component Driver
stm32-lis302dl The LIS302DL BSP Component Driver
stm32-lis3dsh The LIS3DSH BSP Component Driver
stm32-lis3mdl The LIS3MDL BSP Component Driver
stm32-lps22hb The LPS22HB BSP Component Driver
stm32-lps22hh The LPS22HH BSP Component Driver
stm32-lsm303agr The LSM303AGR BSP Component Driver
stm32-lsm303c The LSM303C BSP Component Driver
stm32-lsm303dlhc The LSM303DLHC BSP Component Driver
stm32-lsm6dsl The LSM6DSL BSP Component Driver
stm32-s70kl1281 The S70KL1281 BSP Component Driver
STM32Cube BSP MAGNETOMETER Components Drivers Description
stm32-iis2mdc The IIS2mdc BSP Component Driver
STM32Cube BSP QSPI/OSPI Components Drivers Description
stm32-iss66wvh8m8 The ISS66WVH8M8 BSP Component Driver
stm32-mt25ql512abb The MT25QL512ABB BSP Component Driver
stm32-mt25tl01g The MT25TL01G BSP Component Driver
stm32-mx25l512 The MX25L512 BSP Component Driver
stm32-mx25lm51245g The MX25LM51245G BSP Component Driver
stm32-mx25r6435f The MX25R6435F BSP Component Driver
stm32-n25q128a The N25Q128A BSP Component Driver
stm32-n25q256a The N25Q256A BSP Component Driver
stm32-n25q512a The N25Q512A BSP Component Driver
stm32-s25fl128s The S25FL128S BSP Component Driver
stm32-s25fl512s The S25FL512S BSP Component Driver
stm32-w25q80ew The W25Q80EW BSP Component Driver
STM32Cube BSP SDRAM Components Drivers Description
stm32-is42s16800j The IS42S16800J BSP Component Driver
stm32-is42s32800g The IS42S32800G BSP Component Driver
stm32-is42s32800j The IS42S32800J BSP Component Driver
stm32-mt48lc4m32b2 The MT48LC4M32B2 BSP Component Driver
STM32Cube BSP Temperature Sensor Components Drivers Description
stm32-stlm75 The STLM75 BSP Component Driver
stm32-stts22h The STTS22H BSP Component Driver
stm32-stts751 The STTS751 BSP Component Driver
STM32Cube BSP Touch Screen Components Drivers Description
stm32-cy8c4014lqi The CY8C4014LQI BSP Component Driver
stm32-exc7200 The EXC7200 BSP Component Driver
stm32-ft3x67 The FT3X67 BSP Component Driver
stm32-ft6x06 The FT6X06 BSP Component Driver
stm32-ft5336 The FT5336 BSP Component Driver
stm32-ts3510 The TS3510 BSP Component Driver
STM32Cube BSP USB-C Components Drivers Description
stm32-cbtl08gp053 The CBTL08GP053 BSP Component Driver
stm32-sn65dp141 The SN65DP141 BSP Component Driver
stm32-tusb546 The TUSB546 BSP Component Driver
STM32Cube BSP miscellaneous Components Drivers Description
stm32-gde021a1 The GDE021A1 BSP Component Driver
stm32-m24lr64 The M24LR64 BSP Component Driver
stm32-m24sr The M24SR BSP Component Driver
stm32-ina230 The INA230 BSP Component Driver

STM32Cube Middleware Libraries

The Middleware Libraries MCU Components propose the following set of stacks common to all STM32xx series very useful to design number of middleware-based user applications.

These Middleware Libraries delivered in standalone mode, permit to get in advance, compared to the full FW Packages, the new features or updates. Please take a look to the Release Note to verify the compatibility information.

  • FatFS library: A set of platform- and storage device-independent services allowing user application to access storage devices and manage files.

  • FreeRTOS library: A set of platform-independent services implementing a real-time operating system kernel for embedded devices and providing methods for multiple threads or tasks, mutexes, semaphores and software timers.

  • LwIP library: LwIP (Lightweight IP) is an open-source TCP/IP stack designed to reduce resource usage while still offering a full-scale TCP stack. Among other services, it also offers a network interface, buffers and a memory management section, and an operating system emulation layer.

  • USB Device library: A set of services allowing the configuration and the control of the USB on STM32 MCUs in device mode. It is mainly based on the "Core" and the "Class" modules including the common and most used features and APIs.

  • USB Host library: A set of services allowing the configuration and the control of the USB on STM32 MCUs in host mode. It is mainly based on the "Core" and the "Class" modules including the common and most used features and APIs.

The dynamic usage of Middleware Libraries is provided thru projects examples, available in the respective STM32Cube MCU Packages STM32Cubexx where xx correspond to the series.

STM32Cube MW Libraries Description
stm32_mw_fatfs FatFS middleware library
stm32_mw_freertos FreeRTOS middleware library
stm32_mw_lwip LwIP middleware library
stm32_mw_usb_device USB Device middleware library
stm32_mw_usb_host USB Host middleware library

STM32Cube Utilities and Miscellaneous repos

STM32Cube Utilities Description
stm32-external-loader Flashloaders source code of external memories embedded in the STM32 HW boards.
stm32ai Open source AI offer in STM32 products.
STM32_open_pin_data This repo provides all the information required for the pin and board configuration of products based on STM32 MCU.


This repo describes all STM32 MCU related GitHub projects. The open source offer for the STM32 MCU products






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