Releases: TealNerd/CivRadar
Fixed crash when reconnecting to server
beta-1.2.4 Fixed crash when reconnection to server
Fixed some bugs, improved some stuff
Fixed issue where sound slider didn't work
Added button to enable/disable the radar
Changed main menu layout to be more friendly to small screens
Changed waypoint saving and added editing
You can now edit (and delete) waypoints in the ingame gui
Also changed how waypoints save to just use red, green, and blue color values rather than saving the whole awt Color class
More waypoint options + sounds
Waypoints can now be mass enabled and disabled
Also experimenting with a ping playing when a player enters radar range. Please not that MCisFTW owes me 5 double chests of obsidian
Waypoint update
New features
- Added waypoints
- Names can now be located above or below player heads
- Probably fixed crash issue with player's disconnecting
Added radar size scaling
Radar now scales for 1x all the way to 2x normal size. Should be more than sufficient range
Also fixes small issue with some buttons being named wrong
Fixed entities not rendering and hotbar issue
XP bar should now render properly, and all icons will show up as the should
Fixed player head rendering
Player heads now render as a generic head image rather and a player specific skin which was getting messed up
First CivRadar beta build
- RGB Color sliders
- Player name options
- Radar opacity options
- Configurable entities
- Radar ping animation (just a fun little thing :)