Open Source Python: We Code, We Collaborate, We Conquer
Contribute and join Hacktoberfest!
Fork the repository: Click the "Fork" button at the top right of this page.
Clone your fork: Clone your forked repository to your local machine.
git clone
Create a branch: Create a new branch for your contributions using the following command, replacing
with a descriptive name for your branch:git checkout -b branch-name
Choose your project: Explore the project folders, pick a Python project that aligns with your interest and skill level.
Contribute: Create or improve Python projects and submit them following the contribution guidelines below.
We welcome contributions from developers of all skill levels. Follow these steps to contribute:
Choose a project: Select an appropriate python project matching your skill level.
Work on your project: Create or improve the Python project, ensuring it is well-documented and follows best practices.
Commit your changes: Commit your changes to your branch.
git commit -m "Merged and update README"
Push your changes: Push your branch to your forked repository on GitHub.
git push origin feature/your-feature-name
Create a Pull Request: Go to the python-projects-hacktoberfest repository on GitHub and click on the "New Pull Request" button. Select your branch, add a descriptive title and comments, and submit the Pull Request.
Review and Collaborate: Collaborate with the maintainers and other contributors to address any feedback and get your Pull Request merged.
Reference: Mention your username in the Contributors Section below.
Star the repository: Show your support by starring the python-projects-hacktoberfest repository. ⭐
This repository is Hacktoberfest-friendly! Here's how you can participate:
Sign up on the Hacktoberfest official site and initialize your github account
Contribute: Follow the contribution steps mentioned above to add Python projects to this repository.
Earn Hacktoberfest contributions: Each valid pull request you make to this repository during Hacktoberfest will count towards your participation in the Hacktoberfest event.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
We appreciate the contributions from the following community members:
Happy coding! 🚀