Tool to create geometries specifically for the ThreeJS framework. This tool will allow users to create BufferGeometry JSON code to be used in the ThreeJS framework. Users can place a series of vertices and edit their position, UV, and color. Users can also define triangles that make up the mesh.
- Use the mouse to place a vertex.
- Press the Insert key to add a vertex.
- Click on an existing vertex.
- Use the side bar to edit the vertex's position and UV coodrinates.
- Hold the ctrl key and click on an existing vertex while it is visible.
- Hold the shift key and select a vertex.
- After selecting 3 vertices, a triangle will be formed. (NOTE: the normal of the triangle will determined based on the order the vertices. This is important if the material of the mesh is not set the DoubleSide).
- Hold the shift key and select a triangle while it is visible.
- Press F1 to toggle vertices
- Press tilde to toggle UV boxes
- Press F2 to toggle image mapping
- Press F4 to toggle triangles