Support for this module has been discontinued.
A tera-proxy module that lets you fly endlessly.
While in game, open a proxy chat session by typing "/proxy" or "/8" in chat and hitting the space bar.
This serves as the script's command interface.
The following commands are supported:
- fly - enable/disable UnlimitedFlight
Whatever you send to the proxy chat in game is intercepted client-side. The chat is NOT sent to the server.
This is obviously one of the more questionable modules, so I do not recommend using it around players you don't trust.
- [*] Some code cleanup
- [*] Full conversion to Pinkie Pie's command module
- [*] Fixed a bug when running out of energy. Thanks to Pinkie Pie
- [+] Added support for Pinkie Pie's command module which is now a requirement
- [+] Added !fly command to toggle between "on" and "off" in non-whisper chats
- [*] Initial Release