This is what i am currently working on
Here are some ideas to get you started:
- 🔭 I’m currently working on ... underdog-devs
- 🌱 I’m currently learning ... How to collaberate on projects and how to create an API resting endpoint
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on ... Restful Api
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with ... Python3
- 💬 Ask me about ... Node.js, Express
- 📫 How to reach me: ... [email protected]
- 😄 Linkedin: ...
- ⚡ Fun fact: ... I love to fish and camp in our mountain range in Oregon. --> Teresa Hotchkiss | Full Stack Web Developer | Front End Software Engineer Dallas, OR | 541-979-1602 | [email protected] | GitHub | LinkedIn
Frontend: React, Redux,, react-testing-library, styled-components, Sass, LESS, ANT Design, HTML, CSS Backend: JavaScript, Node.js, Express, Python, pgAdmin4, PostgreSQL, SQLite3, Knex, Mongoose, MongoDB, Postman, Jest Additional Skills: Agile Project Management, Architecture, Debugging, Deployment, AWS, Heroku, Vercel
Underdog Devs, Full Stack Developer | 11/2021 - 12/2021 GitHub | Website Greenfield application developed for Underdog Devs to manage their mentor-to-mentee relationships and interactions, as well as make for more efficient resource management. Worked with a team of Back-End developers to implement a Postgres database to manage our application’s ticketing system Designed and implemented a Node.js/Express API, and constructed database models to perform CRUD operations on the Postgres database Assisted with debugging procedures via pair programming in an Agile remote engineering environment
HTTP Movies Assignment, Full Stack Developer: | 06/2020 -7/2020 GitHub
A Full-Stack application uses a Node.js/Express API that feeds movie data to a single page React app which then consumes said API to perform CRUD operations on the movie dataset
Established complex routing for React SPA to manage the passing of data through application via prop drilling
Utilized the React useState hook to manage application state and handle information passed to and from movie API
Implemented forms to enable users to upload their movie data, which gets passed back via an Axios Post request to our API and instantaneously renders that data on the app’s front page
React Testing Contact Form, Full Stack Developer | 7/2020 - 8/2020 GitHub | Website
Example of ability to write code tests in React Testing Library to efficiently test front-end user operations
Used strict adherence to DRY concepts to organize full testing suite for a pre-filled contact form
Wrote appropriate code tests to ensure that contact form is not only operational and pre-filled but functions with user input as expected
Gained an understanding of Test Driven Development through this project
DropshipUSA, Remote - Owner & Operator Feb 2018 - Mar 2019 Launched a retail dropshipping business to sell men’s beauty and care products, utilizing Shopify’s seller platform Procured merchandise through third-party fulfillment centers to import to the website, setting description and reasonable target price to be attractive to buyers Set an integration between Paypal seller merchant and selling platform to promote ease of payment transactions Actively listen and offered at least 200 products on selling website at a time, additionally selling via Facebook Marketplace, Instagram, Pinterest, and Amazon
Bloom Institute of Learning, Full Stack Web Development Jan 2019 - Dec 2021