Create a mobile-optimized website, webserver/webspace
- Full Android App Template – no coding required!
- Works with any web app/website that works on Chrome browser
- Submit your app to the Google Play Store easily
- Easy: Just define your URL (or your local HTML folder) !
- Optional fallback switch mode: Use local HTML folder if the user is offline, and use the remote URL if the user is online
- Native Loading Spinner/Android Activity Indicator while loading your URL
- Optimized for exceptional performance & using powerful Chromium web engine
- Display a Splash Screen (e.g., containing animated GIFs) for some seconds or even until the first page is loaded completely
- Smart Performance Cache Mechanism
- Offline Screen with “Try again” button if your app can’t connect to your URL
- HTML 5 Audio / HTML 5 Video Fullscreen / HTML Geolocation support
- And much more…