This is Jisu Yu, aka Tetrahedrite or MicroEdge(especially used in game community :o).
Just a programmer uses C# or C mainly!
I started learning programming since 2012, and I will keep learning until the day I die!
- Blog
- YouTube, But with useless videos.
- GitLab, self-hosted GitLab contains repositories for my own projects.
- September 2017 ~ January 2022: WSA(Woosung Autocon) as electric engineer.
(Every Korean men have to serve in the military for 18 months. Alternatively, We can work as a Skilled Industrial Personnel for 34 months!) - March 2022 ~ November 2022: WSA DT Center as electric engineer.
- December 2022 ~ June 2023: Learning about web backend programming, DB modeling, Virtualization / Container technology.
- July 2023 ~ August 2024: Gridwiz as embedded software engineer.
- September 2024 ~ Present: Persuing Bachelor's degree and preparing portfolio and projects to get a cool job :)
- Building skills in web development, focusing on foundational knowledge and backend frameworks like Spring Boot or FastAPI, along with frontend frameworks like Vue.
- Play some video games! (LoL, R6S, Pump It Up, Minecraft; Modded Only!)
- Interested in electrical, electronic and embedded systems.
- Also interested in DevOps and infrastructure that integrate code seamlessly, enhancing engineering efficiency and satisfaction. Enjoys managing both physical and virtual servers as well. :)
Note: I'm not good at writing in english. If you feel something weird, please suggest good one :)