An iOS app which connects university students to ease getting textbooks.
Bookify is a book sharing app used to simplify trading/leasing textbooks within Texas A&M University students.
Time spent(Gerardo): 16 hours spent in total
The following required functionalities are completed:
- Be able to sign in and register
- Implement home screen, which consists of a table view as well as a collection view to display multiple categories of books
- Implement Popular, Sell, and Profile Control Bar Tabs
- Be able to post a book using the ISBN number and send it to the database as well as display in the app
- Search functionality from our own database and RESTful API
- Users will be able to communicate using the app (via a chat mechanism)
The following optional features are to be implemented:
- Be able to use the camera to detect a barcode which gets the information necessary to post a book
- Be able to have a wishlist
- Be able to invite friends to use the app (via text message)
- Be able to pay in advance
##Wireframes You can view the wireframes here:
##Schema The database schema consists of a no-SQL databse implementing Parse in the Heroku cloud system. The application consists of a "User" and "Books."
- username - text
- first name - text
- last name - text
- username password - text
- profile picture - file (optional)
- description - text
- classes - text (optional)
- wish list - text (optional)
- posts - text
- message - text
- created at - time
- email - email
- title - text
- author - text
- bookcover - file
- isbn - number
Here's a walkthrough of implemented user stories:
<img src='' title='Video Walkthrough Sprint 4 width='' alt='Video Walkthrough' /> GIF created with LiceCap.