A collection of Scripts and command references to be used with UniFi Controller running on Linux.
Complete installation of UniFi Controller on Ubuntu including Firewall, Fail2Ban, automated Let's Encrypt and Backups.
sudo service unifi status
sudo service fail2ban status
sudo service longview status
sudo fail2ban-client status ubiquiti
sudo fail2ban-client set ubiquiti unbanip XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
sudo fail2ban-client status sshd
install an existing .pfx exported certificate for use by UniFi Controller running on Ubuntu.
- Please read the related post for more information.
Installation and configuration of automated Let's Encrypt using certbot and cronjob.
- Please read the related post for more information.
Cronjob task for automated Let's Encrypt.
Installation and configuration of automated off-site backups to Backblaze B2.
- Please read the related post for more information.
Cronjob task for automated Backups to Backblaze B2. - B2_UNIFI.CONTROLLER.NAME:BUCKETNAME
Cronjob task for automated Backups to FTP server.