基于 XeKr 原版红石显示1.17-V1附加
本纹理包作为 XeKr 原版红石显示1.17-V1 的附加包使用
This texture pack is used as an add-on pack for XeKr Redstone Display 1.17-V1
Currently supported redstone display content: 1.16.5-1.20.6
Currently compatible game versions: 1.16.5-1.21.2
- 红石元件主颜色修改为樱粉色
- 不死图腾修改为大白天比心玩偶 (腐竹)
- 自发光贴图:
- 标准一:LabPBR标准,推荐配合 Complementary r5.3+ 光影(+Euphoria Patches 1.4.1+),将集成PBR+自发光模式设置为 labPBR > IPBR+;
- 标准二:OptiFine 使用的 _e 纹理(仅在 1.16-24w37a 可用)
- 标准三:原版 light_emission 模型字段(在 24w37a 后可用,因功能限制,制作繁琐等原因,目前只完成了一部分方块)
- Changed the accent color of the redstone component to cherry blossom.
- Totem of the Undying model is changed to a doll, using the TCTC server master's skin.
- Emissive Textures:
- Standard 1: labPBR, it is recommended to use With Complementary r5.3+ Shader (+Euphoria Patches 1.4.1+, and set the integrated PBR+ emission mode to labPBR > IPBR+
- Standard 2: OptiFine emission textures (Available only in 1.16-24w37a)
- Standard 3: Vanilla light_emission models (Available after 24w37a, due to functional limitations, cumbersome production, etc., only a part of the blocks have been completed so far)
- 比较器、侦测器新外观
- 不稳定的脚手架距离显示
- 合成器风格化改色红石显示
- 雕文书架红石显示
- 音符盒锁定显示,(生物头颅状态显示(仅在1.20.2+启用))
- 栅栏门护眼锁定显示
- 粉雪、可疑类方块显示
- 堆肥桶新外观
- 阳光探测器新外观
- 漏斗指向纹理简化
- 漏斗、投掷器、发射器锁定显示(仅在1.20.2+启用),更低版本需要XeKr原版红石显示1.17-V2附加包
- 烟花火箭区分,需要支持cit的模组
- 黑曜石系列方块新外观
- 兼容彩虹像素,感谢南烛提供的材质制作指导(使用时请按下列顺序加载:XeKr原版红显1.17-V1置于最底层,其次为彩虹像素v3.2.3+,接着是樱喵附加,最后是XeKr原版红石显示1.17-V2附加包)
- 井字草模型,创意来源于 BSL mini pack
- 落沙显示,创意来源于梧桐加减法,感谢药水棒冰授权兼材质制作指导
- 被闪电击中的避雷针呈白色和铜色渐变
- (仅在1.20.2-1.20.6启用) 粉色选择框着色器实现,感谢火昱Huoyu发布的示例资源包,示例资源包视频链接
- 可选猫爪风格包 (包含猫爪红石线,猫爪压力板,猫爪红石灯),改色需要 OptiFine 或 Colormatic 或 Vanadium 或 CherryWire 或 Polytone 模组
- Comparator and repeator new look
- Unstable scaffolding distance display
- Crafter styles status display
- Chiseled Bookshelf status display
- Note block lock display (Mob head status display (only enabled in 1.20.2+))
- Fence gate eye protection lock display
- powder snow, suspicious block display
- Composter new look
- Daylight detectors new look
- Hopper pointing texture simplified
- Locked display of hoppers, droppers, and dispensers(only enabled in 1.20.2+). Lower versions need XeKr redstone display 1.17-V2 addition
- Firework Rocket Differentiation. Requires a mod that supports CIT
- Obsidian series of blocks new look
- Compatible with RainbowPixel (When using, please place it above the XeKr redstone display 1.17-V1, followed by the RainbowPixel v3.2.3+, then the TCTC Cherry addtion, and finally the XeKr redstone display 1.17-V2 addtion)
- Grass model, idea from BSL mini pack
- Falling sand display,idea from 梧桐加减法
- Lightning rod struck by lightning now have a white and copper gradient
- (only enabled in 1.20.2-1.20.6) Pink selection box shader implementation, thanks to the sample rp poseted by 火昱Huoyu, Sample rp video link
- Optional Meow add-on ( include Cat claw pressure plate, Cat claw redstone lamp), require OptiFine or Colormatic or Vanadium or CherryWire or Polytone mod
发光纹理使用含 LabPBR 支持的光影,在不开启光影的情况下需要 OptiFine 或 MoreMcmeta + MoreMcmeta Emissive Textures 模组.
Emissive textures require use shaders with LabPBR support, _e textures require OptiFine or MoreMcmeta + MoreMcmeta Emissive Textures mods.
在 Minecraft 1.20+ 版本中较新版本的 Sodium 会导致发光纹理和基础纹理产生深度冲突,如果不想看见深度冲突,可以在 Continuity 的模组设置里把发光纹理(_e 纹理)选项关闭;
In Minecraft 1.20+, the newer versions of Sodium will cause Z-fighting between the emission texture and the base texture, If you do not want to see Z-fighting, You can turn off the emissive texture (_e texture) option in Continuity's mod settings;
Meow add-on's light and heavy pressure plate power level display do not compatible with vanilla render;
Xekr 哔哩哔哩主页:链接
XeKr 原版红石显示 1.17-V1:链接
Original Author: XeKr
Addon author: Surisen
Xekr Blibili page:Link
XeKr redstone display 1.17-V1: Link
简体中文:CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
English: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Hendrix_Shen: 模组支持
Capt Tastu:感谢他的创意授权
Xekr: series of texture pack teaching videos have benefited me a lot
Hendrix_Shen: mod support
Capt Tastu: Thanks for his generous authorization
YSBB: Thanks for his generous authorization
Nan2uu: creation guidance
Huoyu:selection box color shader implementation authorization
GeForceLegend:Lots of guidance and problem solving