This project implements the Bellman-Ford algorithm to detect arbitrage cycles in a given set of currency exchange rates. The application fetches exchange rates from a specified URL and processes them to find potential arbitrage opportunities. It then prints the arbitrage cycles found, if any.
- Scala CLI installed
To compile and run the application, navigate to the project directory and use the following commands:
scala-cli compile .
scala-cli test .
scala-cli run . --
- URL: The URL from which to fetch the exchange rates. If no URL is provided, the default URL
will be used.
scala-cli run . --
The Bellman-Ford algorithm has a time complexity of O(V*E), where V is the number of vertices (nodes) and E is the number of edges in the graph. In our case each currency is a node(V), and each rate an edge(E).
A Breakdown of the Time Complexity:
- Initialization: Initializing the distance and predecessor maps takes O(V) time.
- Relaxation: The relaxation step runs for V - 1 iterations, and in each iteration, it processes all E edges. This results in O(V * E) time.
- Negative-Weight Cycle Check: This step also processes all E edges, taking O(E) time.
Since the relaxation step dominates the overall time complexity, the total time complexity is O(V * E).