Udacity- I created a Landing Page. I'm going to use html5, css3- grid-layout, flexbox, media-queries, JavaScript
In this project I created an asynchronous web app that uses Web API and user data to dynamically update the UI
Udacity Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree Program 1st project, I'm using CSS, Website Layout, Website Components in this project
Udacity- Evaluate a news article with Natural Language Processing app- fetch api and shows the text
All Udacity FrontEnd Web developer NanoDegree programme projects which are created by me with clean code
I created a Pig_game app. I'm going to use JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, animations and trasitions. In this app two players play the game turn by turn.
I created a full COVID-19 Tracker. I'm going to use React, React-hooks, axios, api, countup, Charts.JS and Material UI in this application
Would You Rather is a polling game that presents the user with a series of questions that can be answered one of two ways. It's built with React, Redux, React Router, & Redux Thunk.
This a Mobile application, I used react-native to create an app. and used expo-cli and android-studio. This application tested in android phone
Mobile FlashCards project-app is a part of Udacity-React-Nanodegree program. This React Native app allows users to create decks and questions to quiz. and also give the final score and set to reset…
In this project we plan the trip and save, delete the trip, we also check how many days left, weatherforecast, temp for the trip. We fetch data from 4 apis to display the trip which are dependant o…
In this project we tweet the post, reply the any comments also like the post of users, this is real world project, I used react, redux, middleware, redux-thunk
I created a Burder app. I'm going to use React, Redux, react-hooks, react-routers, authentication, firebase, axios, enzyme-testing
In this app I used the functionality for add delete and search the contacts list
All Udacity ReactJs developer projects which are created by me with clean code
Udacity- A MyRead Book-Tracking app that allows client to select and gives the category books as you have read, currently reading, and wantToread. I also create a serch bar for searching the books …
I created Portfolio for showing my works experience