Tags: TheNorthMemory/wechatpay-php
Support PHP8.2 (wechatpay-apiv3#110) * Officially support PHP8.2 * Drop `OPENSSL_SSLV23_PADDING` test cases, because it was removed via openssl3 see openssl/openssl#14216, openssl/openssl#14283, shivammathur/setup-php#658 * Add `SECURITY.md` guideline and mentioning that TSRC is the right place for the security issues
优化APIv3上的三个特殊接口验签逻辑,国内两个自动忽略验签,海外按spec仅验证RSA签名 (wechatpay-apiv3#95) * Two skipping pharses of the response's validation whose are located in the mainland. One special Rsa::verify onto the downloading API which is located in the overseas. Close wechatpay-apiv3#94 * bump to v1.4.5
Merge pull request wechatpay-apiv3#93 from TheNorthMemory/v1.4 APIv2客户端增加白名单URLs,对于无sign返回的请求,自动忽略验签
Merge pull request wechatpay-apiv3#79 from TheNorthMemory/v1.4 bump to v1.4.3
Merge pull request wechatpay-apiv3#68 from TheNorthMemory/v1.4 调整`uri_template`处理顺序为先替换再选择API版本