A script to parse Leaf Blower Revolution save files for relevant information, and output them as a CSV for use in associated community calculator spreadsheets, especially my own, which drove the script's philosophy.
By default, the game saves to %localappdata%/blow_the_leaves_away/save.dat
in binary-encoded base64, so the script reads from that location and decodes it before working. The data is processed and organized, and the output is saved to LBR_Save.csv on your Windows Desktop.
You can run the native Python script, leaf_blower_save_reader.py in your Python interpreter if you have one installed, or you can run the autogenerated .exe export, leaf_blower_save_reader.exe if you prefer. Either one can be downloaded individually, without having to clone/unzip this entire repository.
CLI hooks for different read/write locations have been requested. I'll probably allow for single files by CLI directly, or batch processing through the use of another file describing the associated lists of input/output locations.