YukkiMusic is an enhanced version of the original YukkiMusicBot, optimized for high-quality music streaming in Telegram voice chats. Built with Python and Pyrogram. 🚀
If you're using or forking this project, please show your support by starring the original repo: YukkiMusicBot
Get started quickly by deploying to Heroku with just one click:
Update and Install Dependencies:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt install -y ffmpeg git python3-pip python3-venv tmux nano
Create the Virtual Environment:
python3 -m venv .venv
Activate Virtual Env:
source .venv/bin/activate
Clone the Repository:
git clone https://github.com/TheTeamVivek/YukkiMusic && cd YukkiMusic
Install Python Requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Copy and Edit Environment Variables:
Copy the sample environment file:
cp sample.env .env
Edit the variables in the .env file:
nano .env
After editing, press Ctrl+X
, then Y
, and press Enter to save the changes.
Run the Bot:
bash start
Keep the Bot Running with tmux:
To exit the tmux session without stopping the bot, press Ctrl+b
, then d
Need help setting up? Check out our detailed configuration guide: Configuration Instructions.
We're here to support you through multiple channels:
Love YukkiMusic? Here's how you can help:
Together, we can make YukkiMusic and YukkiMusicBot even better!
A heartfelt thanks to Team Yukki for creating the original YukkiMusicBot, which, although now inactive, served as the foundation for this project.
A special thanks to Pranav-Saraswat for forking and reviving it as YukkiMusicFork, making the bot functional again. However, YukkiMusicFork has since been deleted by Pranav.
Our current project, YukkiMusic, is an imported and further improved version of the now-deleted YukkiMusicFork.