This project is part of a teaching course.
PULSeBS, a.k.a. Pandemic University Lecture Seat Booking System, is an application to let students, teachers and managers to organize, schedule, monitor and overall support the typical university lectures lifecycle during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Docker : The best way to deploy backend and frontend together is using Docker-Compose. To do that just clone the project, open a shell in project directory and run
docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml up
, then you can reach the web application fromhttp://localhost:3000
; -
Development mode: clone the repository from the main branch in local and:
- Install the dependencies on server side through a shell on folder ./pulsebs-server/ through the command:
npm install
; - Install the dependencies on client side through a shell on folder ./pulsebs-client/ through the command:
npm install
; - Run the server from folder ./pulsebs-server/ through the command:
node ./server.js
; - Run the client from folder ./pulsebs-client/ through the command:
npm start
- Install the dependencies on server side through a shell on folder ./pulsebs-server/ through the command: