Access GLPI direclty throught nvim
This is my first attempt to write something in LUA and nvim plugin
With lazy.nvim
opts = {
endpoint = "",
user_token = "",
app_token = "",
tech_name = "my_username",
tech_profile_id = {}, -- Id of profile who can be add as technician
cmd = {
keys = {
desc = "Load all tickets",
desc = "Show tickets in a telescope picker",
Default opts:
endpoint = nil,
user_token = nil,
app_token = nil,
tech_name = nil,
tech_profile_id = nil,
separate_pending_processing = false, -- show my pending and processing tickets separately?
keymaps = {
add_solution = "S", -- keymap to add a solution
add_followup = "R", -- keymap to add a followup
next_ticket = "<c-j>", -- keymap to go to the next ticket
prev_ticket = "<c-k>", -- keymap to go to the previous ticket
attribution = "<space>gt", -- keymap to add someone to the ticket
attribution_to_me = "<space>ga", -- keymap to add himself to the ticket
reload_ticket = "<space>gg", -- keymap to reload tickets list