以 selenium WebDriver 实现爬虫抓取功能。
A simple downloader which is able to download music from NeteaseCloudMusic.
Using selenium WebDriver to realize Web Crawler Function.
About selenium
Recommended to run on Windows. It may not work properly if running on other environments.
首先,确保浏览器驱动程序(对Chrome来说,这个驱动程序的名称是 chromedriver.exe)已经在下载器程序文件的根目录下
First, make sure the webdriver programme(For Chrome, it's chromedriver.exe) and Downloader.py are in the same directory.
然后,运行 Downloader.py 并根据提示操作
Then,run Downloader.py and follow the prompts.
The downloaded songs will be in a newly created floder that named after the current date and time.
This project is still developing. More function will be added in subsequent versions.
- 解决页面加载超时需要手动停止加载的问题/Fix timeouts problem which needs to stop loading manually.
- 在获取歌曲信息部分改用无界面模式/Make Headless Mode available in the process of fetching info of songs.
- 引入可修改的配置文件以实现部分自定义项/Make custom-edited configuring available.
- 加入下载日志功能/Add logging function.
- 加入异常处理功能/Add Error Handlers.
适配其他浏览器/Add supports for other browsers.
- Firefox
- Edge
- Opera
- Safari