Thomas Burleson is a Principal Architect and Trainer specializing in Web solutions/technologies. For the last 20 years, he has helped teams around the world develop and deliver commercial front-end software solutions. Self-described as a:
- FE Principal Architect... who loves hands-on coding
- Technical leader focusing exclusively in FE React, Angular, and NextJS technologies... and GraphQL/REST layers.
- Technical leader passionate about Reactive Stores and state management.
- Guide for teams in reducing technical debt and taming the sphagetti-code monster.
Thomas brings extensive experience and leadership lessons from projects that include JibJab, Sherwin-Williams, SiriusXM, Datasite, SAP, Trademe, Blackrock, Ameriprise Financial Services, and Google.

- Reactive Store with Elf (Angular)
- Reactive Store with Zustand (Angular)
- Reactive Store with Zustand (React)
- Reactive Store with Elf (React)
- Reactive Session with Zustand (React)
Explore technical posts on Reactive architectures. Learn about little-understood concepts like Tuples and Observables. These are great resources for Angular, React, and TypeScript developers.
This 5-part series for developers and architects called "Reactive Architectures". Presenting web developers with critical concepts, patterns, and techniques for superior product implementation & performance. Best of all, these concepts apply to FrontEnd and Backend development regardless of technology platform.
As an Engineering Coach, Thomas has trained Angular and React developers all around the world. Workshops consist of live seminars with extensive slides. The seminars are interleaved with guided, hands-on coding labs. Thomas has created more than 60 hours of live workshop content: covering Git Essentials, ES/TypeScript Essentials, Collaborating with Nx Workspaces, Angular/React Jumpstart, RxJS Deep Dives, and NgRx Deep Dive, and more.
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- Resume: Download PDF