Currently we have two courses available here.
The Bioconductor course (2014) was created and presented by Thomas Carroll at the Boston BioC2104 meeting This course covers matters of ChIP-seq quality control.
Material for this course can be found at the Bioconductor site or with all the required data here BioC2014
The Cambridge Genetics course was created and presented by Thomas Carroll and Shamith Samarajiwa at Cambridge genetics for the Bioinformatics: Analysis of High-throughput sequencing data with Bioconductor This course covers ChIP-seq quality control, visualisation and downstream analysis.
Material for this course can be found here Cambridge Genetics ChIP-seq Material
Introduction to R (Session 1/Session 2 )
Visualisation of Genomics Data in IGV.
Beginners guide to ChIP-seq analysis in R.
Beginners guide to RNA-seq analysis in R.
If you would like to ask a question about these courses or suggest a training topic please contact us on [email protected].